woohoo, finnaly got them to stick!


Sep 8, 2008
So I bought 3 12 inch cold steel sure flight throwers and couldn't seem to get them to stick at all the first time I tried them out. I tried again today and stopped thinking of all the physics and let them fly like how I though it could come naturally and they all of a suddenly started to actually stick. It's pretty cool that they actually work (or more likely I'm starting to actually actually work) and am quite pleased with myself. I also started to use a cardboard box stuffed with more cardboard and I noticed if I miss a bit, they just fall to the floor instead of bouncing back at me (first few throws, I had one come back at me nearly as fast as I was throwing it at the wooden backdrop... Scary sh*t when your not expecting it...).

I was wondering, how often do you guys go thru your throwing knifes? I some what have been noticing that when the knifes hit each other some times, it's been scraping/chipping off the powder coat that cold steel coats these beauties in. Also, I some what have to lightly grind the tips just a bit to take off burrs which from from when they hit each other.

Anywho, I think I'm addicted as it's pretty cool to actually see them stick instead of just fly off to the side. Cool beans!
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It sure is exhilarating eh...there is a certain sense of accomplishment when they grab good. I grind mine down after they look like they've slaughtered a few things. But, I only do it to restore the tip and front edge.