Work in progress 7-20-08

Bobby Branton

Dec 12, 1998
This is a work in progress thread and I will document the steps I use in making a blade for my Transition folder.

Using my MasterCam program, I will draw a fixture to fit my parts on. I then use the CNC mill to spot my tie down holes and make a skim cut so that I will know how to position my blade coupon so that I can make a master coupon in case I want to make more blades.


I then drill and tap the hole for a 4-40 screw and screw down my coupon to the fixture.


I then execute the program to make the profile cut as well as the cut for the blade stop pin.


Here are the finished parts. I do this for the handles also. All drilling, reaming and counterboring is done on the drill press. I grind off the bump on the tip of the blade when done.

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Looking good. I like your idea of putting a fixture hole at the tip that gets ground off.

What is the steel? What is your cycle time? How many can you profile with a cutter?

I like looking at these picts of other folks doing this kind of work. Thanks for sharing.

Hi Nathan, The steel is 154-CM. I had a few problems breaking end mills at first so it is hard to say. I am more used to cutting D-2. This is my first time with 154-CM. Since I usually have to profile them to remove tool marks, I tend to run the end mills a little longer that I should. My machine is older, so I take it pretty easy with her. It will take about 20 minutes to profile the blade and mill out the hole for the internal stop pin.
Well, if you're running the spindle conservative you do have to feed conservative too, so 20 min isn't too bad really.
Cool thread. It will be an education for a lot of us especially me.
Thanks Bobby.