WoundSeal... Any good?

Preacher Man

Jan 28, 2005
I've been looking for a blood clotter/stopper for my compact first aid kits. I've read reviews of Celox and Quick Clot here and I've been looking for Celox locally to no avail. Looking for something similar I found at my local Walgreens a product called WoundSeal. So far I've found very few reviews online. Apparently it used to be marketed as QR Quick Relieve Blood Stop. By its description, it seems to work similar to Celox, although unlike Celox, WoundSeal's instructions say not to use it on Arterial bleeding. At their website I found another version of WoundSeal for arterial bleeding called WoundSeal MD, but apparently that is only available online. The only difference I can see is the size of the one-use pouch.

Is anyone familiar with this product? Is it any good? Would it be worth having in the first aid kit?
Celox is the best product to stop bleeding that I have ever used. You can only get it online. If you use use wound seal and need stitches, you may have to have it scraped out which is painful.
I think the intended application for Woundseal is different than QuikClot or Celox products. The latter two were formulated for major trauma while Woundseal is more for household first aid and sports injuries. As advertised, it's probably a great item for those on blood thinners or have hemophilia.

I don't know if it's the same brand (need to check), bit I have Woundseal type products my First Aid kit, while I keep QuikClot in my shooting blowout bag.
Celox is the best product to stop bleeding that I have ever used. You can only get it online. If you use use wound seal and need stitches, you may have to have it scraped out which is painful.

If stitches are required, the "scab" can be removed by continually soaking it with saline and rubbing it with a gloved finger.

I think the intended application for Woundseal is different than QuikClot or Celox products. The latter two were formulated for major trauma while Woundseal is more for household first aid and sports injuries. As advertised, it's probably a great item for those on blood thinners or have hemophilia.

I don't know if it's the same brand (need to check), bit I have Woundseal type products my First Aid kit, while I keep QuikClot in my shooting blowout bag.

I think you are right. WoundSeal MD would be the competition of Celox for major trauma treatment. This begs the question, do I need major trauma treatment options? It is intended for my compact first aid kit for day hikes with my kids, and to add to my home first aid kit.
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I love the celox that comes in the little plunger type syringe thing. You can jam it in the wound, press it down and fire it into the wound. They are awsome
Wound seal does indeed work on small superficial wounds as intended. It is not Quick Clot or Celox. It is for routine, mundane cuts and I keep it in my boo boo kit. I've used it with success on myself and fixing up others. I use it when a band aid is not enough but an IBD or hemostat like Celox is too much or over kill. Handi stuff for the boo boo kit.