Wow, I didn't know BM made cds (ebay link)

Oct 10, 1999
Okay, obviously this is a mistake, but check it out.

I too been searching for the preproduction CD!


My collection
Now David, I think a little ingenuinity might be in play here........
............a couple of us beleive so

[This message has been edited by Dawkind (edited 11-21-2000).]
I'm pretty sure this dude is trying to slip a BM42A by the eBay police. The problem with these things is, after you send the money, you might actually just get a CD... a $130 CD.
Why is it that there are a bunch of junky balis on Ebay but the BM's get banned?
I hope the same person that turned me in does'nt do it to this guy. Would have been very cool to just have the end of the handle sticking out of the Caselogic case! Cool.
Here's the word i got from the seller:

Hi Paul, this is the real deal. It is a Pre-Production Run 120/200 on
side of the blade. I hope this helps you.

>Why is it that there are a bunch of junky balis on Ebay but the BM's get banned

A Balisong Knife is a knife made in Batangas in the Philippines. Benchmade copy protected that name for there knife here in America. But usually the word bali, refers to a Filipino made knife. Of which, I usually only run one auction at a time, for a Batangas made knife.

If you mean to refer to the cheap China & Taiwan rip off copies of the Benchmade knife. The reason is, that Ebay allows a butterfly knife with a blade 2" or less to be sold. They require a photo of the knife, and they require that there is a ruler in the photo, to show that the blade on the knife is 2" or less. They daily check all "butterfly" or "balisong" auctions to see if they comply with the rules.

So, the simple answer is, no one wants to take a $150 Benchmade knife and cut or grind the blade down to 2" so they can sell it on Ebay. There is no restriction on handle size. So you could if you wanted, have 36 inch handles as long as the cutting blade is not over 2".

Usually what happens, is when I send out an end of auction email, I include the address to my web site in the email. The people then ask me if they can get a butterfly with a full sized blade instead of the one they bid on, and I tell them that is fine with me.

In rare situaltion, there are people who actually want the 2" blade, so they can carry their butterfly knife in the car and practice with it in traffic jams or whatever and not have to worry about getting arrested for it. So we will go down to the basement and grind it down to 2" for them.

Thanks, JohnR7
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