X-Ray Vision

Feb 5, 2005
I just got back from a local dealer where I handled the mini X-ray Vision. I thought it was an absolutely outstanding knife. Well put together, locks up like a vault, the pocket clip is great, everything was good...almost. I have absolutely no use for a tanto blade. So, that got me to thinking, who would be up for buying this model with either a drop or spear point blade. Now, when I picture this knife with a drop point blade I picture it still having the same look to it. What I mean is, that I want the swedge on the back side of the blade to still be there in a drop point configuration. Basically, just take the tanto blade that it has and round it off into a drop point configuration. And flatten off the point it comes to just behind the thumb stud, but keep the jimping for secure grip there. Now, come on, who here could pass up on one of those bad boys. I know I couldn't.
You read my mind in fact I am in the market for a Mini X-ray right now as I am so pleased with its big Brother the XV71 X-Ray vision its a value among knives IMHO and I would welcome a spear point or drop point in this type of configuration! So where do I go to get the best deal/price on the Mini???
$49.00 shipped? Wow thats where i am heading right now to check it out thanx! Looks like I bought one off of that Amazon site thanx for the tip:eek: ........uhhhhhhh No pun intended!!!