XHP and walnut singing hollow

Dec 6, 2004
got to test the wedge last week (thats making its rounds to a few other testers ) got to shave with the 1/2 hollow the other day and last night i got a great shave with my singing razor (all 3 were XHP and i can tell you i will not use any other SS lest its ordered )
silky smooth and of the 3 razors the singing is the loud mouth (kelly told me it sounded like i was shaving velcro off my face) but it was fast sleak and smooth
so this one is a 7/8 and has walnut burl handles that i put a full CA clear coat finish
Oh man, that's a nice one! I love the monkey tail and the short scales. Id love to see a bigun like that with a nice rosette and pinned wedge in the scales. What are you honing with? Naturals?

How's it working with XHP? I need to get my hands on some and try it out on some kamisori geometry. What HT specs are you using?

XHP is a dream to work with and as far as hardness its about 62 (im doing more testign ) the funny thing is is that it feels much softer on the hones and at the grinder liek as if its onely 55Rc ( i thought i missed the hardness curve the first tiem i used it) and its the best shaving SS i have ever used (Matt said it was ultra smooth and i cant wait to get the feedback from the others on the test lit)
That is absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to hear what the others have to say.
Yup, I like that bright finish on those scales quite a bit;)

For anyone interested, I honed one of these the other day (XHP wedge). I used my standard progression of synthetics up to the Naniwa 12K.

I have only honed about 30 other razors, but I have honed some nice ones. I can tell you, this one takes an edge that really surprised me in several capacities (sharpness, smoothness, and ease of honing). I expected it to be much more difficult than the other razors I have honed (everything from heirlooms to modern hot rods in high Rc 1095 and O-1).

It did require a few additional strokes to get there, but there were none of the rumored problems I was warned of with Stainless Steel (stubborn wires and burrs).

Truly a pleasure to hone, but not without a few observations (not bad or good, just slightly different). The observed *results* of the honing really set me back in my chair;)