XM-18 Clip Question

Oct 9, 2013
Hello everyone, I am new to the RHK Forum, I just recently gained interest into Hinderer's as I finally have the funds for at least one of them. I have read the stickies and searched a little, but only found information for the Gen 1 XM-18s. I was wondering if all XM's Filler Tabs and Clips are Titanium to match the frame or if they are stainless? Also are the standoffs steel or titanium?

I would also like to thank everyone in advanced for the answers, help and general information!
Welcome. Filler tabs and clip are Ti. Stock standoffs are SS but optional Ti available.
Thanks you very much! Another question, how often are stocks refilled on screws and such? I was looking around for a full set of blue hardware including standoffs, and it seems they are sold out just about everywhere.
Periodically is my best answer, check RHK and Monkey Edge. Keep an eye out here and RHK facebook etc.
Welcome! One thing i found out quite quickly, is that when something is in stock at one place, it doesn't meant it is somewhere else. For instance, just this weekend, I bought standoffs at one dealer, scale screws at another, and a lock bar stabilizer at yet another. If you wait to find a dealer to have everything at once to save on shipping, you could honestly never find it. I'm not saying its impossible, but in the year or so I've been in the Hinderer world, I've yet to see it. So my advice (reason for post, sorry about the tangent) is to create a folder in your links bar in your browser. Then go to the Hinderer website, and go down the list of dealers one by one, adding them to the folder. I took it one step further, and on most sights you can search for "Newest Products" order, and i have that page set up for the link, so when i click the link it pulls up all the Hinderer products, in newest order. Now after a month or so, you will start to see which dealers have a higher rate of new inventory and variety of accessories (some dealers don't even sell hardware), and then I put my list of links in order of highest chance for finding something. And lastly, take the minute to set up email alerts on the sites that offer it. I'm in construction, and i can say I've honestly ordered Blue and Bronze pivot screws while standing on a ladder at work. I don't suggest waiting to do it when you get home. Good luck in your hunt my friend, a lot of people around here will say that's half the fun, I tend to agree!
So..in other words...it takes a bit more than just time and money to get exactly what one seeks at any given time---aka: "happy hunting" / "when you see it, get it"...for he who hesitates loses.
Haha yeah, I noticed there is maybe one piece of a full set on each dealers site. So it would take some patience to get it all tracked down. Again, thanks for all of the help!

I get a slicer on Tuesday that already has blue scale screws and pivot screws, just need a clip and filler tab to match!
Another question, decided not to start a new thread because that would annoy others and myself as well!

I just tried to take a part a 3" Spanto and when I got the pivot screw half out, it did not want to budge whatsoever. Does anyone know of any reason for this? Putting it back in and taking it back out to the halfway point is easy. Any tips to get it out all the way?
Another question, decided not to start a new thread because that would annoy others and myself as well!

I just tried to take a part a 3" Spanto and when I got the pivot screw half out, it did not want to budge whatsoever. Does anyone know of any reason for this? Putting it back in and taking it back out to the halfway point is easy. Any tips to get it out all the way?

Are you holding the proprietary side of the pivot....... while turning the flat-head side? Or are only turning the flat-side by itself....... separately?
I am holding the spanner side, albeit not very well, while turning the flat head side as well.

I bought a Hinderer Armorer's Tool and am hoping that will help when it gets here. For now, I am using a spanner that I made from a penny because I could not find any at any local hardware stores.
I am holding the spanner side, albeit not very well, while turning the flat head side as well.

I bought a Hinderer Armorer's Tool and am hoping that will help when it gets here. For now, I am using a spanner that I made from a penny because I could not find any at any local hardware stores.

I think that may be the problem to your little debacle, sir. ;)

Once the right tool for the job (as they say, haha) gets there....... it should be smooth sailing! :thumbup:

(P.S.) Please be careful with your homemade spanner/tool. I know us knife lovers can be a bit impatient....... but in this case, I would recommend that you wait for the real deal. It could save you a whole lot of heartache later....... and maybe prevent a scratched/stripped screw or two in the process. :p
Another question, decided not to start a new thread because that would annoy others and myself as well!

I just tried to take a part a 3" Spanto and when I got the pivot screw half out, it did not want to budge whatsoever. Does anyone know of any reason for this? Putting it back in and taking it back out to the halfway point is easy. Any tips to get it out all the way?

A bit odd. Perhaps there's some thread locking substance or debis on a few threads...but still odd it unscrews a bit then gets stopped. Maybe screw all the way down and use a toothbrush or similar to clean exposed threads...maybe add a drop of oil and try to unscrew it again. Also be sure that you have stopped the rotation of the female portion of the pivot.
I am extremely careful, there is no way in hell I would want to scratch this knife without it being from use!

The spanner was working for awhile, and then neither side wanted to spin whatsoever and after using a less than desirable amount of force I stopped before I slipped and did scratch something. The Armorer's Tool should be here Thursday, I just got a notice that it will be delayed due to weather in Kentucky though... How much easier does using the tool make disassembly? It looks to be a little small to be able to get a good amount of torque with it.
A bit odd. Perhaps there's some thread locking substance or debis on a few threads...but still odd it unscrews a bit then gets stopped. Maybe screw all the way down and use a toothbrush or similar to clean exposed threads...maybe add a drop of oil and try to unscrew it again. Also be sure that you have stopped the rotation of the female portion of the pivot.

Would oil or a lubricant like FrogLube work to make it easier to remove if it was just a tight fit?
I asked not due to the being skeptical that it would work, just wondering if FrogLube is too thick or if the tolerances would prevent the lube from working into the threads well enough.
As for the tool...a small Allen key like one used to remove handle screws can be inserted into the hole and provide stubby t-handle like torque.

Also a screwdriver can be used in combination w/ the spanner portion on the backside stopping rotation of the female pivot portion.