Yesterday I lost a dear friend.

Jan 21, 2010
You know you are getting older when you start losing your friends. Yesterday my Father in law passed away. He is the one that introduced me to one of my favorite past times, hunting the whitetail deer. He used to call me perfect shot b/c I refused to take a break down shot like him and his boys. We used to grow hogs and kill em and take em to the butchers shop, stuff people just dont do anymore. I will greatly miss him but I am glad that the suffering is over, he has been fighting cancer for over 18 months. Cancer sucks, it took my mom from me when I was 8 and know my father in law at 39. Oh well just needed to get that off my chest.
Terribly sorry for your loss, seems like you'll have some very fond memories. My families prayers are with you.
My condolences. I'm glad to hear about the closeness you were able to share. I need to spend more time with my father-in-law. In recent years he's been more visible in my life than others. Thanks for reminding me of that. Sorry for your loss. Take care.
Sending up smoke from deep within the boreal forest, may the healing begin.
I am very sorry for your loss. Take solace in knowing he is in a better place.
My condolences sir, By a new knife for yourself to celebrate his life.
Sorry to hear of your loss my friend, I can relate. My father had a second stoke last week and is on his last legs. He taught me a lot over the years... Although he's not physically gone yet I miss him.
You know you are getting older when you start losing your friends. Yesterday my Father in law passed away. He is the one that introduced me to one of my favorite past times, hunting the whitetail deer. He used to call me perfect shot b/c I refused to take a break down shot like him and his boys. We used to grow hogs and kill em and take em to the butchers shop, stuff people just dont do anymore. I will greatly miss him but I am glad that the suffering is over, he has been fighting cancer for over 18 months. Cancer sucks, it took my mom from me when I was 8 and know my father in law at 39. Oh well just needed to get that off my chest.

Sorry to hear about your loss bro. Life is but a fleeting moment in time. Don't dwell on the sorrow, focus on the good times that were had. He will live on in your heart.
You know you are getting older when you start losing your friends. Yesterday my Father in law passed away. He is the one that introduced me to one of my favorite past times, hunting the whitetail deer. He used to call me perfect shot b/c I refused to take a break down shot like him and his boys. We used to grow hogs and kill em and take em to the butchers shop, stuff people just dont do anymore. I will greatly miss him but I am glad that the suffering is over, he has been fighting cancer for over 18 months. Cancer sucks, it took my mom from me when I was 8 and know my father in law at 39. Oh well just needed to get that off my chest.

Sorry to ehar that news brother....your right, cancer does suck....took my Mom & Sister too.....prayers are with you as you push ahead... In Peace...
I am Sorry for your loss I hope that your pain passes quickly, and that you only remember the good times that y'all shared

Prayers out to you and the family, Ridge Runner. I am sure your father in law was very special to you. Sorry for the loss...
Sorry for your loss bro, sounds like he's had a big influence on your life and will be deeply missed. Keep on hunting them whitetails and celebrate his life.
Thanks for all the well wishes guys, if you pray remember me and my wife around 1400 today, we will be burying him around then and I believe that will be the toughest time of this whole process. Thanks
My prayers do indeed go out to you and your wife. My Da is on his last legs after 2 years fighting so I know what you mean about the suffering.I don't want him to go but don't want him to lose more of himself in the suffering. Cancer is an affliction, one of many. I pray that soon the pain is replaced with the wonderful memories you have already made.