YIKES! 20" AK Terrifies Roomates!

Brian Jones

Jan 17, 1999
Uncle sent me a 20" AK, and it even scared me -- LOL! I took it out of the box in front my two roomates, and we ALL stared at it in awe...one of my roomates looked at me with genuine fear, and quietly asked, "Who are ya going after with THAT thing?!"

This is the first time I've ever been in such awe of a blade that I gasped out loud...

Too funny...

Thanks, Uncle!



"What are you going to do with that thing?"

you know, that's the most common comment I get from people.

Any witty replys would be welcome
Where's Cliff. He's got all sorts of answers for the 20 inch AK. Whatta ya going to do with that? Cliff: Anything I want.

Uncle Bill
As to "why are you carrying that?" prompted by viewing my 20" AK, I just usually say "Because its easier to carry than the one I left at home."

As an answer to "What do you cut with that." I just reply "What I don't cut would be a shorter list."

A yeti with one shaved arm and a 20 inch Ang Khola. No wonder the bears run away when they see Cliff coming.

Uncle Bill