You guys are killing me!

Feb 2, 2000
Found this site a month ago and I've been lurking, checking things out, in anticipation of some extra $$$ in another week or so. The problem?? Just when I had decided to try to get a Millennium Special, up pops the Friendship Ganga Ram! (And that Bowie looks pretty sweet, too! AARRRGGHHHH!!) Does it work to buy your wife a Khukuri, too?? Think that might distract her?
It didn't work for me, Jack. And it's gotten to where my biggest problem is finding hiding places for my new khuks so that the little lady doesn't get an idea just how much my khuk addiction is costing me.

Because you're only in the first stages of HIKV, there is hope for you -- quit while you can. HIKV can quickly become an all-consuming affliction.
Afraid it may be too late, sitting here crunching numbers to see how big the blade budget is, while telling myself that she would really love that Bowie, and if not, I could take it off her hands. Appreciate the warning, but I seem to already be infected.
The Khukuri is a difficult blade to deny your self. I have collected knives for many years, and the Khukuri holds my attention longer than most. The second part of the equation, is the great people you meet on the forums, and the learning that takes place. You become culturally enriched, as well as collecting some fine blades. Service is right there with the Cris Reeve group, which speaks volumes.

You can try distracting your wife by giving her her own, but sometimes it backfires. I think that was Jeff's intention when he got one for me, now I am just as addicted as he is.