You or Me?

Dec 20, 1998
I'm a little slow on the uptake when it comes to computers, so I'm most likely the problem. First off, when I post a message, it looks rather odd due to the way the text wraps around. At the right edge of the text box I see what looks like an unblinking cursor occasionaly any clue? I've had to edit a few postings now because they came out wrong.
Second, I tried to add a nomination to the awards forum and I was prompted for a special password for that forum. Am I not allowed to post to this forum?
Thanks in advance for your help.

As far as the cursor goes, it may be your browser/ computer and an error with your video display.

As for the text wrap around, as long as you don't hit the enter key until you want a new paragraph, your text should look just fine. It's when you hit enter at the end of every line in the "message box" that things start looking screwy.

In regards to the Awards Forum, it's locked down while I create the Awards Poll where you guys get to vote. Once the survey is done, I'm going to shut that forum down.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

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Hey, we were all new one time, and with anything you do there is always a learning curve.

Besides, I'm here to help you out, so if you have a question, no matter how "dumb" you may feel, ask me. You never know, there may be a 1000 more people out there with the exact same question waiting. Heck, it could even be a major problem on our end that I don't know about, and you could be doing *all* of us a favor.

Regardless, at the minimum it adds to the knowledge base here, so don't hesitate.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

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