Your experience with ticks

Where I am (north of Montreal) I’ve never seen a tick, only heard about one person get Lyme (which I don’t think was in my area) and it’s just not something people talk about. Mosquitoes and black flies on the other hand are like little vampires, they fly around just waiting to suck your blood, you go outside and swarms instantly fly around your body and head (mostly head). And if you open the door to go outside the mosquitoes will come in and terrorize you in your sleep. Just imagine sleeping then waking up because there’s a high pitched buzzing sound in your ear.
If you sit outside on patio chairs at my parents house.....

You can literally see armies of them marching towards you.

5-6 per day. Not even trying.

Spring is worse, but I've even had them in winter.
Maybe it was hiding behind their TV, waiting for me
Yeesh. Time to move!
Where I am (north of Montreal) I’ve never seen a tick, only heard about one person get Lyme (which I don’t think was in my area) and it’s just not something people talk about. Mosquitoes and black flies on the other hand are like little vampires, they fly around just waiting to suck your blood, you go outside and swarms instantly fly around your body and head (mostly head). And if you open the door to go outside the mosquitoes will come in and terrorize you in your sleep. Just imagine sleeping then waking up because there’s a high pitched buzzing sound in your ear.
Despite growing up close to the countryside I never got used to mosquitos. When I was child I slept my summers in blanket burrito with small gap to breath through. Every bite irritates the heck out of me. Just thinking of mosquitos makes me neurotic.
I get a few ticks every summer, never attached. I wear shorts so I can feel them.
My dog had one just below his eye last night, looked like it had just started to dig in. He's good to go today.
Month ago I was camping and felt one crawling on my skin. Later as I was sleeping I felt an itch. The itch felt like a pimple but didn't go away so I somehow instinctively woke up to see if it was a tick and it indeed was. It was just attaching.

To my experience the tick situation gets a little easier later in the summer but then comes the mosquitos (in deep woods it's BAD).

As the summer progresses towards the autumn the mosquitos go away but in comes the deer flies. Deer flies I think are the least bothersome though they are nasty and crawl everywhere.
As a young man my first hunting trip into the Lowveldt area around the Kruger National Park in South Africa resulted in me being bitten and contracting the subsequent dreaded Tick Bite Fever.
It was treated at that time with tetracycline and I made a full recovery.........but I was very sick for a few weeks.
Now when I go into long grass I am much more careful.......prevention is better than cure.