"Your" Perfect SAK?

Nov 15, 2003
Mine's the Tinker Deluxe. I am an IT Pro and the combo of small-tipped pliers and Philips screwdriver in a pocketable (I hate having things on my belt when I am crawling around on the floor!) knife have got to be perfection!

How about you? What's your perfect SAK and why?

In over twenty years of looking I haven't found it yet. Guess that's why I keep buying them.
My perfect SAK hasn't been produced yet, but the number of SAKs that are in my EDC rotation is not very big though and the last months it's usually one of the alox models made by Victorinox. Soldier, Pioneer, Farmer, Cadet, Bantam and such.
thats the thing about saks that i dont like. they never really give you a "perfect" sak. they make you buy 2 or 3 to have all the tools you want. it would be cool if victorinox had a custom shop like buck or benchmade. but anyway my ideal sak would be a soldier with scissors or maybe a farmer with scissors.
Wenger Standard Issue or Soldier, though I prefer the former. Also a Farmer fan.

I've got a few that come close. The Huntsman is in my top three. I've recently started carrying the Outrider which I quite like for the locking blade. My perfect SAK is sadly not produced. It would be a Farmer with scissors. Victorinox steadfastly refuses to produce them . . .:(
thats the thing about saks that i dont like. they never really give you a "perfect" sak. they make you buy 2 or 3 to have all the tools you want. it would be cool if victorinox had a custom shop like buck or benchmade. but anyway my ideal sak would be a soldier with scissors or maybe a farmer with scissors.

Now that's an interesting idea! Heck, I just figured out that there are two different makers of "Swiss Army" knives! I reckon before they do anything, they ought to sort that out!!

Now if I could build one, I'd base it on the one I posted and instead of the hook, I'd replace that with a second, smaller Phillips screwdriver and instead of the second small knife blade, I'd replace it with a wood saw. Now that would be perfect!
An Alox Huntsman would be the real deal for me!I like the Huntsman,Alox Soldier,Climber,Tinker,and Classic.There are a few more that I own and like,but those are the ones that get carried the most.
My custom Illuminated Scientist is my perfect SAK. Its basically a scientist, but instead of a mag glass it has the white led insert. Wrapped in White plus scales.
I was just perusing through some different models and it seems that the Boy Scout Huntsnman could probably be the perfect SAK for me


I love the huntsman but I'd much rather have the phillips than the corkscrew. It would be just like my beloved super tinker but it has the one thing the ST is missing: the saw!
There is a Huntsman with the philips screw driver instead of the cork screw: the Fieldmaster.
I recently bought my first SAK since middle school, the Adventurer, I love it, I only wish it was one hand opening.
I'm also a Farmer fan, but I'm looking forward to checking out a Bushcrafter.

The perfect SAK would be my outdoorsman with a file blade instead of the fish scaler blade. Oh and throw on the plus scales.