Zipper Pulls

Dec 1, 2000
As a frustrated knot tier, I happened to go through a Campmor catalog recently and found something called zipper pulls...

They are braided nylon with plastic tabs on the end. They're about two inches long and come 8 to a package (mixed red, green and black braid) for $3.00. Pop the plastic and insert the braid. Beats tying a hangmans noose and looks good on my Spyderco co-pilot. Maybe I'll try one on my Sebenza next!
item number 67810-B
I have a jacket with those pulls, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to open them !!

[This message has been edited by RH (edited 03-19-2001).]
At the end where the two nylon ends go in, put a screw driver of approximately the same dimension. (The back of the plastic tab should look like a hing if they are the same kind..) Pop it open. The braided nylon is held in place by a set of mating top and bottom least that's the way the one's I have are set up. (They didn't come with directions, but at 8 for $3.00 I thought I'd just give it a try and the method worked.)
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by RH:
I have a jacket with those pulls, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to open them !!

You don't have to open them, just pull the jacket over your head without unzipping it!

The pulls are nice. But I prefer to get a little bit of bungee cord and tie it myself. It works better and it's cheaper.