ZT 0770CF - A True Gentleman's Folder from Zero Tolerance

I was under the impression (probably incorrectly most of my materials info is not only dated but from the cycling world) that the same "thickness" of a steel bar/rod was significantly stiffer than Ti (and twice as heavy). The young's modulus for Ti seems to be about half that of steel, as I understand it that means you'd need a Ti lock bar twice as thick as a steel one to get the same stiffness which means a much thicker handle slab to do the same job, essentially eliminating the weight loss gained from using Ti due to the thicker material required (if you wanted the same stiffness in the lock bar anyway). Obviously I'm sure it varies by the type of steel/Ti etc. I had always thought where Ti gains it's advantage is it's similar tensile strength in a lighter package at the same volume of material, it's elongation, heat/cold tolerance, corrosive resistance, non-magnetic, etc. Great for bolts, tubing, etc. Grade 5 6AL-4V bolts are very close to the tensile/yield/sheer numbers for grade 8 steel alloy bolts for instance, but almost half the weight.

I've always thought Ti was a poor material for lock bars, especially in large knives where lockbar stiffness is more critical, not only because of the extra thickness needed, but also because of it's reduced wear resistance compared to the hardened steel blade. Though Ti lock bar wear seems to have been pretty much an overly-hyped concern over the years, and it may actually help the two surfaces "mate" up better as the Ti lock bar face wears. In lock bar use it appears to be more of a boutique material rather than one that really adds any major advantage.

It's probably just because I like thinner handle knives though and I always thought a steel handle slab that was half as thick but just as stiff as what we see on Ti knives would make a very pocket friendly design, though perhaps at the cost of a bit of weight, not to mention be much much cheaper to produce.
Titanium has a remarkable cool factor, but as knives are concerned, it's main advantage will always be weight. A large knife with a steel framelock will end up being prohibitively heavy. It works on a small to mid-sized framelock (0566, Thermite, Cryo, Leek, Volt SS,etc), but something large like an 0300 or an 0560 would be a real burden with steel framelock. I personally like the compromise of having a titanium framelock with a hardened steel lock bar insert - it's the best of both worlds.
My Kershaw Leek in titanium is a feather-weight compared to my stainless leeks. I think it's the lightest leek; even lighter than the G10 leek.
So I can only imagine how heavy the 0560 would be if it was solid stainless. Usually for liner locks I prefer stainless. I had sticking issues with my Emerson mini 15 and the weight savings gain is minimal.
I'm not a big thumb stud fan, but even stiff 0550s haven't been a problem if you deploy it properly.

Your assessment is completely contrary to the thoughts and feelings of many owners I've seen and heard from. The detent was a big problem.
I'm so excited to get one of these! Is there any news when they might show up? I'm not looking for a release date, just a timeframe. A week, a month, 6 months.
Your assessment is completely contrary to the thoughts and feelings of many owners I've seen and heard from. The detent was a big problem.

I think it's not a huge problem just a vocal minority.

I'm so excited to get one of these! Is there any news when they might show up? I'm not looking for a release date, just a timeframe. A week, a month, 6 months.
Skirting it eh!
Your assessment is completely contrary to the thoughts and feelings of many owners I've seen and heard from. The detent was a big problem.

No, the detent wasn't the problem. The problem was that those people don't know how to deploy it properly.
Your assessment is completely contrary to the thoughts and feelings of many owners I've seen and heard from. The detent was a big problem.

Your conduct is completely contrary to the thoughts and feelings of the many tactful forumites I've seen and heard from.
A thread bumped after a month of silence to argue with someone about a knife that is off-topic in this thread? :(

On topic:
Any more updates on the 0770 detent hole situation?

Also, is there a limit to how ungentlemanly someone can be while still considering the 0770 an acceptable carry option?

I mean, this guy can surely carry an 0770...

...but this guy? (lol Zardoz)
Anybody some more news about the 0770cf? Here in The Netherlands it is listed on a site that says the 0770 cf is available within a month!?
ZT released 0600, 0801 and 0300BW last month.

There are a few more in the pipeline for the next couple of months or so: 0566, 0560BW, 0888, 0888MAX, 0777-M390, 0770CF, 0770 (AL), 0350M390.

All in good time...
Does anyone know if there will be a silver replacement pocket clip available for this knife? Can I just strip the black paint off?I prefer a silver clip to the black..