Zulu Trio

As I understand it the Zulu trio consists of the Large and Small Sebenzas with the Umfaan.

I only have an old style Large and a new style large (feel for me). I would like to add a Tanto to these, would I then have a form of a Zulu Trio, or could I just say it is a Watusi Trio?

Hey, gotta call it something!

[This message has been edited by ThomM (edited 24 September 1999).]
If you get a LDC-9 Sebenza would that be a barbershop quartet?


LOL Buddy,
But you know, when I have to defend myself in court at the divorce whenever She finds out the costs, I need something more serious than that.


Oct 26, 1998
Thom, you are just gathering a Pride of Sebenza's.

If it looks like you are heading for a divorce, sell them to me at a discount. I promise to sell them back for the same price after the dust has settled


No cheating, you need a new large, a small and a Umfaan to make the Zulu trio(the tanto would make the barbershop quartet). $1,255?? WOW! WOW!! If they're not decorative.



I'm sorry but only if you have all three sizes can you call it the Zulu trio. The highest form of the Zulu trio would consist of all matching knives. But even if you dont have all of them match it's still the Zulu trio. I think Watusi Trio is a good name, not as good as the Zulu but collect what you like.

Thom I think you got way too much time on your hands! Is this all you've been thinking about since I sent you that knife?? Your wife must really hate me right now!! ;-)
Hoss, I told you I was retired, time is all I've got!
You know how it is, get one Sebenza and you want another, two and you want three, etc.
What my wife doesn't know won't hurt her, and if I want her to know I said that I will tell her.