1 CRK Knife For 1 Year!

September 28th, 2018:

Here's a shot of her with a soon to be mutilated pumpkin. The kids will do the carving on this, but the Seb may see a little action. You can see the new edge pretty nicely in this picture as well.


Here's a quick opinion on lube since it seems to come up a lot both here and on the gun forums. While I have used, and been happy with, the standard CRK grease, I believe I have found something better. The stock CRK grease works well, but seems to dry out and loose some of it's smoothness after a while. That's the main reason I, and I'm sure a lot of others here, take the knife apart when they get a new one and clean and re-lube it when they start to carry it. And while the CRK grease is designed to work in that drier state, my lube of choice is now: Ballistol.

I learned about Ballistol from the gun world. Anybody that has a Glock has probably seen Hickok_45 talking about it as he's used it forever on his Glocks. After trying several different greases, I feel that the Sebenza works better with a thick oil instead of a grease. This is where Ballistol shines. It's an oil, but if you leave it for a while it thickens, or coagulates into a very thin grease that looks like a cross between Chapstick and Vasoline, so it doesn't migrate like typical oil does.

Another key benefit that I've noticed with my guns that will hopefully carry over to the knife is that repeated use seems to "season" the surface. Hickok uses the analogy that it's like what happens to a cast iron skillet over time. I can confirm that this does, in fact, hold true with the Glock barrels I use it on, but since this is the first time I've used it on a Sebenza, I'll need a few months to see if that develops here.

One final note: Get the thicker, non-aerosol version of Ballistol. The spray can is too light a coating, but I have found the pour bottles to work very well. I simply pour some into a small needle oiler that you can get from Brownell's or even off ebay or Amazon, and that works perfectly. After a thorough cleaning of all the parts, I apply ONE DROP to each side of the blade and spread it out evenly over the blade, washer surfaces, and pivot bushing with a small model paint brush. This allows and even coating and prevents you from using too much, as just a light and even coat is all you need. Using too much won't affect the action, but will allow the knife to pick up a bunch more crap from your pocket. Give it a try and let me know what you think. Like I said, I've tried tons of different lubes for both knives and guns, and so far this stuff has really impressed me!
Thanks for the info. I may have to try that next time I break down one of my CRKs.
My Sebbie is somewhere in there .

For the kids 5th b day. She loves her jungle gyms. And her two sisters can use it as well. This will hold them over the next few years until I stick build something crazy when they're a little bit bigger.

I'm actually impressed that the hardware is decent quality and all the holes are drilled in the proper places lol.

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Great thread! This is a perfect knife to try a full year of dedicated carry. I went for several years where my main carry was a large Insingo. I will admit that I also always had an alox Vic Soldier in my pocket at the same time that covered different duties. I'm excited to watch how you progress!
Being a bit over the top with my Busse NMFSH photo. One reasonable civilian pocket carry knife for a year? Inkosi. But I have many folders that would fill that bill. SMF; Three Sisters Gorgon (perhaps the best under appreciated folder out there); Grayman Satu (to go big); Curtiss F3 Large; Shirogorov F3 or 95; and of course, Sebenza 21 or 25. Like ‘em both, but 25 a wee bit more girthiness.
I've carried several knives for EDC and not changed carrying them for over a year or so. My large plain Sebenza was with me for a long time at one point years ago. The belt sheath is worn and they handles were used to pound some split pins in a chair that worked loose. Some times I just gravitate to one particular folder and that's it. There is no breaking the bond for a long time. Only in the last five years or so I've been really rotating my knives that I carry. I'll carry them for a week or two then change out. I definitely must have a multi tool with me at all times though and that would be between my Leatherman or a SwissTool.
With the NYCKS coming. I think I want to purchase a new Large 21 in some variation.
I have not picked up a new 21 in years . So it might be that time.

So I don't know if I will hit the 1 year mark with this puppy. Oh well :), we will see.

It's hard not to love the one your with.
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I’m jumping in on this as well. Here’s my first ever Sebenza169CAD82-FDFF-4F4E-9C4F-04F6CDC1316E.jpeg

I sold half of my collection to fund it. I don’t have many knives left and that was done on purpose so I would have to carry it. So far I’ve done some pretty typical stuff cutting cardboard, plastic ties and opened some food packages. Wow this thing is a slicer!
Cool lanyard next? :)

I feel like the standard clip is perfection and don't touch touch it. That one looks nice though.
Just because I'm going to carry the knife for a year doesn't mean I can't tweak it a little!

Got this new Hawk clip yesterday, and so far I love it!!!

Looking good and thanks for the update. I may try that clip out. I have a couple here never used.
Cool lanyard next? :)

I feel like the standard clip is perfection and don't touch touch it. That one looks nice though.

You might be right with a new lanyard. I'll just have to find something that doesn't feel like a boat anchor, or double the weight of this classy knife!

I like the stock clip, but they are pretty hard on the pockets, and the retention (while good) is not as secure as I would like. After reading @Lone_Wolfe's "The Great Clip Comparison of 2018" thread, I knew I wanted to give the Hawk clip a try. Boy am I glad I did!

Looking good and thanks for the update. I may try that clip out. I have a couple here never used.

While I've only had it a day, I really like it. The ergos work out just fine for my size medium glove hands, and the retention (the main thing I was after) is much better. My Seb already has double lugs, and I think the new clip adds even more to the unique look.