The problem is that your not quenching in the blood of your enemies...
Nah I'm kidding, although I just wanted to chime in and say that this thread sounds kind of hypocritical? I mean that in the nicest way but what I am reading is people describing not to use canola for 1084/1080. Yes, I understand that canola is not meant to be a quench oil however a lot of us would probably tell a new maker to pick up some 1084 and canola to do a backyard HT and we would also probably tell them that they will get good results if done correctly. Notice I said good and not best. I believe that if you want the best results you have to use the best tools/methods to achieve them of course but I also don't agree with the fact that the 1084/canola quench method is getting shamed on if front of all the beginners out there reading this and trying to educate themselves on this topic. Like I said I fully understand that quenching in canola is not the best method for 1084, but it still does work.
Also, and correct me if I am wrong here but isn't Canola also recommended because of the fact that most people starting out use their household oven to temper and could run the risk of toxic fumes in the house as a result of quenching in something like Parks 50? Or am I just that dumb and you could solve this by washing the blade in dish soap and scrubbing the sh*t out of it and keep using parks in a home oven?
Like I said I mean this post in the nicest way possible and this is just my own little thoughts.