1095 draw temp

Feb 14, 2000
Hi I am useing 1095 and I would like to know what temp is good to draw in my oven and time length.and does the thickness effet the
temp to use and length of time to draw(harden)
I have heard 350,375,475
i would like some input
thanks for any help
I do not know the answere to this but would like to add to the question. I will soon be trying some 1095 also. What temp for a RC of 58/59. Also, when the spine is drawn back with a torch to a nice "blue", what RC will result?
I tripple temper at 375 to 400 for 1 hour cycles to temper 1095 for general hunting knives. The higher the temp the softer the blade. A large blade for choping might need to be in the 450 to 550 range. A small blade for edge holding could go 300 degrees.

The important point to remember is: match temper with size and intended use of the blade.
