# 11 Knife/ Constructive critiques please.

Jan 16, 2002
Here is #11. The handle is whitetail (fish and game don't arrest me). The guard is file worked and is german silver. The blade is O1 and selectively hardened with the temperline showing but not obviously highlighted. The spacer is mammoth ivory with black and white fiber spacers, there will be another fiber spacer set above the ivory I just havent set it up yet. The blade is 4" long and the handle is 5". I wasnt going to use the ivory but the hilt seemed to pull my eyes first so I thought I needed to balance it a bit. Should I have done anything different? Whatcha think? www.homestead.com/hvknives/knifeconstruction.html
That's just beautiful. I can't think of anything you should do differently. Amazing that it's only no 11. I really like the way you worked the rear end. That's a difficult area but with the crown it's a nightmare. The blade shape is very usable and it just looks like it will cut. Goodmove with the Ivory. It need it and wouldn't looked near as good without it!;)
Man, that is great! I take it you haven't locked everything down yet, will you pin the handle? Like Peter said, you really did a special job on that handle, and I like your blade shape and the hand finish. Great job fitting the guard too. That's a very nice knife, you should be proud. Zowie!

Wonderful job! I like everything about the knife. I love that
blade shape. I like more point than is on most drop points. your
point, from what I can tell, has more drop and more point. There
is also plenty of belly. This will be a very useful knife, and also
very beautiful.
I really like that knife. Super work, especially for #11!
Great looking knife. Nice tight fight in the spacers. It appears you have quite a gloss shine on the antler and crown. How'd you do that? Also, is it dyed or colored?
Looks Very nice BB
is that a hint of pink rouge in the finish?
I do that from time to time and it looks very nice.
The hump in the handle sets the right look for
the over all look.
you have a good fit and I don't think you need any more spacers
but I don't think more will hurt it any ether. well done.
The shine is just from buffing and the stain is Burnt Orange analine dye. I love using that dye not only can you dye antler but you can use it on leather as well. And since you mix it with pure wood alchol it dries very quickly. Thanks for the great replies.
I have some constructive feedback. I think it is too polished overall. In my opinion it's good to have shinny elements but not from point to pommel.