2 quick ones for Jerry


Gold Member
Oct 6, 2000
Here's a couple of quick kudo's for the Steel Slammer Himself:

1. The photos you've been posting lately (After Shock and the unnamed 6" blade) are really good. The blades show up well without too much glare or light flare from the shiny parts and the dark parts don't disappear into the shadows. The neutral background colors help with this as well. Those pix keep our Pavlovian salivation going until we get the units themselves in hand, so the current quality of the photos really helps keep us on the hook to get the daily recommended dosage of INFI in our life.

2. Thanks for making the unnamed 6" blade (name contest being conducted at http://www.bladeforums.com/ubb/Forum39/HTML/001240.html) slimmer from the edge to the spine than the BM, SH, & Badger. IMHO this slimness, coupled with the very utilitarian 6" blade length, will make it a much more versatile blade. I see it easily covering field duty & combat, camping chores, kitchen chopping/slicing, box & mail opening, etc. Hopefully it will also make justifying the purchase to the family CFO (my wife) somewhat easier since it doesn't look "just like all the other ones."

Yours with nuclear respect,

[This message has been edited by RokJok (edited 04-19-2001).]
Thanks Greg,

I'm glad that you like the new 6" blade and I'm glad that the photos are coming out so well. Jennifer (my wife) takes most of the final pictures that we post. I keep trying to shoot the pictures myself but can't seem to figure out the whole lighting thing.

We have quite a few more models that will be coming out of the Custom Shop. They should really bring some different styles to our current offerings.

Thanks for your feedback,

Jerry Busse