3 khuks on their way to Montana ( Hamilton )


Mar 8, 1999
Wife's sister & Brother-in-law dropped by - heading to California tomorrow after coming back in the AM for a cup of coffee.

One of ther boys has taken over the family cabinet shop there and run it about ten years. He used to claim he warn't no hippy, just a well groomed mountain man.

Anyway, been years since I was up there, and I'd wanted to send the guy a khuk, so this was the opportunity. Still bow hunts every year. So in goes a wood handled 15" AK by Sanu, a 12" horn handled Sirupati ( more a BAS shape ) by Prakesh and a shop one BAS with grey and brown striped horn from shop I. Sent along a 3x5 index card with the forums address, how to get to the HI forum, and the FAQ's. Now the guy has to decide which he wants and which 2 boys get the others.

Just got tired of staring at the excess of HI stuff I had and needed to give some away. Kinda feeling bloated. Giving this stuff away may hook 3 new "kids" into the forum. The "boy" is probably nearly 50 by now and the grandkids'll be getting the other two most likely. I hope at least one of them gets hooked from the experience.

( From "The Marvelous Toy" Peter, Paul and Mommy 1 or 2, by Peter, Paul, and Mary )

His eyes nearly popped right out of his head, and he gave a squeal of glee, Neither one of us knows just what it is, but he loves it just like me...

I hope the above is what happens when they see them.