858OTS Sheath?


Gold Member
Oct 21, 2014
Would someone please post a picture of the sheath the Old Timer 858OTS came with, or tell me if it was a flap sheath similar to that of the 7OT/6OT, or if it was a vertical or horizontal open top?

Thanks in advance.👍
It is just like the larger 7OT sheaths, but sized to fit.
Thank you. 😁 I  suspected as much, but wasn't sure.
... in the 1990s ... the belt loop of the sheath was so poor in quality that it tore in half for no particular reason, as Forest Gump would say.
Their sheaths  did leave a "little" bit to be desired around the '78 to early '90's period, didn't they? At least the ones with a belt loop. Those with belt slits were a  lot better, being less likely to droop away from the hip and catch on brush out in the sticks and boonies. I hated the sheath with a belt loop the 7OT I had back in the '80's came with.