Photos 940-1501 - bad grind or?

Typical benchmade quality from the factory. Count yourself lucky that was the only issue.
Not my experience at all. Being left handed, I own "a few". I've gotten some that needed mechanical tweaking. I've only had one with a bad grind, which I promptly returned to the store and got a replacement. You (and others) have obviously had a different experience. Going by benchmades time and success in the industry I'd guess my experience is more typical than yours. No company puts out bad product purposely and consistently. And a good company always welcomes a chance to fix an issue with their product. That has been my experience with benchmade and a ton of other companies. YMMV.
Typical benchmade quality from the factory. Count yourself lucky that was the only issue.
That's not typical at all for the record. There are bad grinds coming from the factory from time to time yes but it seems some people are on here simply to bash Benchmade. I own 12 Benchmades currently. All from different dealers and hav'nt had one bad grind like that. You got a bit unlucky,,, that's all. Send it and they will send it back in perfect condition for free. Benchmade is a kick ass knife company! Don't let anyone try and convince you otherwise. In all respect of course..ha
Really? Cause alot of people beg to differ.
I agree fully that quality control can be a bit sketch sometimes. All I'm saying is that Benchmade still makes amazing knives. I own many many different brands. Alot of them Benchmades, and all my Benchmades after a little tweaking here and there on a few, are perfect. I have been lucky maybe but...... This guy unfortunately got one with a bad grind. Instead of basicly saying his knife sucks I told him the experience I've had with mine has been awesome. Opinions are opinions and i have nothing but respect. But my approach on someone's new knife is a congrats and help on a situation like that one, as opposed to more 'typical' downtalk about Benchmade. Only my opinion of course.