A bottle opener....and just a bottle opener!

Here's another ring bottle opener. I would have to see one for myself to tell if it is comfortable. Looks like the ring would really dig in on the top of your finger. Look at the pic on the bottom right and you will see what I mean.


You can open a bottle with any ring just using it as a lever.I do it all the time just make sure you dont do it with your wedding ring to much unless it is made of titanium...........R
Steven wrote:

Thanks guys,
I found this one in the UK, however it's not Stainless or Ti:

4 inches, looks about right..

If you're willing to do a group order, count me in. I can even send you 70pence for one! ;)

Edit: Oops - that's the wrong Jersey :footinmou
without a doubt the Peter Atwood prybaby and prybaby mini are THE bottle openers to have!

i have both the regular and mini in S30v. in fact, last saturday i was doing some extensive testing with the regular prybaby, although results were inconclusive due to the fact that i cant remember anything after about 10pm, but i was told it involved fireworks a knee-board, a jeep with a towstrap and the frozen swoop pond at skydive cross keys.

but seriously folks, theyre worth every penny and more. plus Mr. atwood is a great inividual to work with!
