A CALL TO ARMS...... er the phones anyway !!

Ethan Becker

Sep 1, 1999
Hey Everybody......

In a difficult to believe proposed ruling, the US Customs bureaucrats are trying to redefine switchblades to include assisted openers AND in their zeal to be killjoys, the way they have worded this piece of fresh manure may cause them to include at a later date any one hand opener !!!!!!!...There is a very short comment period on this idiocy and your help is needed to stop this unwarranted intrusion on your rights to purchase, own and use most pocket knives available today....

I urge you to go to The www.kniferights.org site and www.akti.org (American Knife and Tool Institute) site and read up on this......It will probably strike you as ignorant and idiotic but, we ARE talking about the gov here!!!!!!....

I have spent a lot of time on the phone on this drek before and our governments level of ignorance on any subject regarding things that are sharp is monumental, aggressive and dangerous...

Please take the time to do this TODAY.... the clock is ticking and our rights are being threatened..........

All Best....

I've already sent letters to my senators, congressman, and the president. Hopefully this nonsensical nightmare will die on the table. :eek:
Hey Everybody...

I forgot to mention this but there ARE sample letters that you can copy, paste and personalize and talking points if you decide to call.... Emails and letters(snail) are the most effective methods of communication with congress.(see pointers on the Knife rights site) and the Customs people are ONLY ACCEPTING SNAIL MAIL LETTERS in order to discourage comment...If you are polite and firm it gets us points...Rude (no matter how tempting) will probably not help.....Numbers, whether members, emails or phone calls DO count....Flood 'em and they DO take notice.......If you do decide to call and you do get someone in your rep or senators office try to educate them, not yell at them(this may take some real self control considering some of the idiots I have dealt with in the past) but emphasize that you use your knives as tools for work or camping, etc., etc.......

All Best...
