A few Satins

Eric Isaacson

Dec 19, 1999
I thought I'd get a few knives out and takes some pictures.

This is part of my Satin finished family.

Can you guess what else they have in common besides being Satin finished?
I know, I know!!

1) They all have a cousin named Jack, who is conveniently missing.
2) They all are for sale for $20.

Do I win the contest??:D
Originally posted by thatmguy

1) They all have a cousin named Jack, who is conveniently missing.

This is true, however, not what I was looking for. :D

Here is a picture of a couple more Satins, the ZT SH is one of my users.

Come to think of it, all these knives have the same thing in common :D:D
Cool picture Eric!

The second picture makes the Steel Heart look coated with a false ground upper! The tan handles really top it off!

Originally posted by Strabs
The second picture makes the Steel Heart look coated with a false ground upper!

Unfortunately, it is just my poor photo skills that makes it look that way.

But that would look cool, great idea :D
Does that Lean Mean Street have the "Zero Edge", or is it asymetrical? If that baby was dual-convex, I'd sell my first newborn for it.
I want one with a black micarta handle to match my Satin Jack!!! Throw a front pocket clip sheath into the mix, and I'd sell my Sebenza for lack of need. :D