A new book by Mors Kochanski

Feb 14, 2005
Well, ok not really because it's mostly republish but still:

It's quite a mixed bag of stuff taken from old articles, the small booklets and maybe a thing or two from the bushcraft book.

It's all very interesting,
Many articles are from Kochanskit's old magazines that have been out of print for some time, it's likely not many people have those.
I'm under the impression that a significant part (1/3? 1/2?) is straight from the small booklets, except it has been retyped nice and clean and it seems a little bit completed/expanded but I did not check in details - also I think you don't get all the booklet content.
If you don't have any of these books I'd call it a great buy.
If you already have the booklets you might not like the fact it's not all original content.
Personally I did not care because you have everything nice and square in one place, but some might think it's a bit expensive for mostly old content.
I couldn't count pages because of crappy ebook reader but here is the table of content.
As far as I know it's DRM-free epub. You can read it using mozilla

Table of Contents
Title Page
Table of Contents
I. Wilderness Living Skills
A) Site Development
1. Shelter
2. Latrines
3. Garbage Disposal
4. Food Storage: Bearproofing
5. Outdoor Classrooms
B) Equipment
1. Clothing and Survival
2. The Sleeping Bag
3. The Functional Bush Knife and Its Use
4. The Five Most Important Try Stick Notches
5. The Multipurpose Bush Axe
6. The Saw
C) Wilderness Fire Lighting Skills in the Spruce Moose Forest
1. Approaches to the Use of Fire
2. The Question of Impact
3. Some Different Types of Fire Users
4. Abuses of Fire
5. Where Campfires are Out of Place
6. Justifying the Use of a Campfire
7. Points of Basic Fire Ecology
D. Basic Map and Compass Use
1. The Map
2. The Compass
E. The Basic Survival Lean-To and Bed
1. Open Fronted Lean-To Principles
2. Open Fronted Lean-To Made of Flexible Materials
3. Bough Beds
F) Outdoor Cooking
1. Introduction
2. The Australian Cooking Crane
3. Steam Pit
G) Wild Edible Plants
1. Plants
2. Looking at Edible Mushrooms
II. Wilderness Survival
A) Defining Survival
1. Basic Existence Skills
2. Wilderness Survival
3. In Survival You Have No Guarantees
4. Living Off the Land
5. The Advantages of Fasting (on water only)
6. Problems with Fasting
B) Introduction to Wilderness Survival
1. Preparedness
2. Panic
3. Survival in a Nutshell
4. Fire
5. Shelter
6. Dehydration
7. Hypothermia
8. Signals
9. Conservation of Mental and Physical Energy
10. Lost? Finding Your Way
C) Water and Human Survival
1. Body Water Needs
2. How Much Water?
3. Thirst
4. Local Thirst
5. Boiled Water Recommended
6. Undetected Water Losses
7. Water Loss Through Lungs in the Cold
8. The Mechanism of Water Absorption
9. Dehydration
D) Handling Stress
1. Responding to Stress
2. Your Only Three Options
3. Limiting Factor
E) Survival Kits
1. Survival Kits: The Basics
2. The Personal Kit
3. The Basic (Two Kilogram) Universal Kit
4. The Personal First Aid Kit
F) Caching of Supplies and Equipment
G) Signalling with a Mirror
H) Signal Fires
1. The Choice of Site
2. The Simple Signal Fire
3. The Standard Signal Fire
4. The Large Signal Fire
I) Vehicle Survival
1. Vehicle Operation Kit
2. Vehicle Survival Kit
J) Aircraft Survival
K) Helicopter Safety
III Wilderness First Aid
A) Cold Injuries
1. Introduction
2. Hypothermia
3. Cold Hazards: Frostnip and Frostbite
4. Dehydration
B) Diarrhea
C) The Heat Illnesses
1. Introduction
2. Water Loss
3. Burns, Scalds and Fluid Loss
D) Knife Cuts: How to Avoid Them
IV. Wilderness Travel Skills
A) Leading Your Group
1. Travel Hints
B) River Crossing
1. Crossing on Foot
2. Rope Crossing
C) Effects of Travelling at Higher Elevations
1. Conditions Resulting in High Altitude Pulmonary Edema
2. Conditions Above Tree Line
V. Wilderness Environment
A) Annoying Insects
B) Bears are Dangerous
C) Lightning
D) Breaking Through the Ice
E) Quicksand or Mud
VI. Ropework
Good stuff. I'll read anything by Mors, I'll have to check it out.
Well, ok not really because it's mostly republish but still:

It's quite a mixed bag of stuff taken from old articles, the small booklets and maybe a thing or two from the bushcraft book.

It's all very interesting,
Many articles are from Kochanskit's old magazines that have been out of print for some time, it's likely not many people have those.
I'm under the impression that a significant part (1/3? 1/2?) is straight from the small booklets, except it has been retyped nice and clean and it seems a little bit completed/expanded but I did not check in details - also I think you don't get all the booklet content.
If you don't have any of these books I'd call it a great buy.
If you already have the booklets you might not like the fact it's not all original content.
Personally I did not care because you have everything nice and square in one place, but some might think it's a bit expensive for mostly old content.

Pretty dang cool. I have the booklets but may check this out.
Here is a bit about the book content.
Apparently it's quite a mixed bag, but all quite interesting.
I've used another epub reader: it's about 500 pages worth.
