A Quick Afternoon Outing and a GSO 5.1

Aug 8, 2002
Here’s some crappy cell phone shots of a quick little outing from Friday afternoon. Like an Idiot, I forgot my camera, and didn’t even think about taking pics until after we got the fire started. I used my GSO 5.1 to make fuzz sticks, process some fatwood and kindling, and do some mundane camp chores. I let my friend give her a whirl. He fell in love with her too. He gave her a workout batoning firewood; something I would use a hatchet for, but he had fun and it was a good test of the 5.1 I was working on some other things, so unfortunately missed the opportunity to take some pics of it. We boiled some water to make Pine needle tea, and sat around tellin’ lies. Overall it shaped up to be a decent day.

I have been using this knife for a few weeks now, and I will say that after some good use, the 5.1 still shaved my arm hair like a razor. I am both pleased and impressed. Being a “Choil” guy, and having very large hands, I will further state that it is my humble belief that Guy hit a home run with this design. I’d like to thank the folks at Survive! for the incredible execution of this awesome design.

Thank again.

Nice! Interesting comparison between this and the other recent review by ifellonscissors. Specifically the finger choil. You say they work well for you, with large hands. He says they were too small for a guy with medium/large hands.

Nice pics, I like the bone colored scales.
Nice! Interesting comparison between this and the other recent review by ifellonscissors. Specifically the finger choil. You say they work well for you, with large hands. He says they were too small for a guy with medium/large hands.

Nice pics, I like the bone colored scales.

To give you an idea, I wear a size 17 ring. I think it is a matter of grip. I let the choil rest in the last knuckle of my finger with my thumb high on the spine (for control) while doing finer detail work.

Haha, my dainty-ass size 8 ringfinger is going to have some adjusting to do to my GSO 6.

Great pics, man! Get any hunting done when you were out there?
Love the lean-to in the background!!!! It looks beautifully done! I'd love to see a wider shot of the entire campsite. Thanks for posting!

On the use of the choil, I tend to enclose the knife in a fist rather than use my thumb on the spine. With the latter technique the choil is fine.
No hunting, but the Turkeys are gobbling away now.


I use more of a "pinch" technique. I sort of pinch the blade (spine to choil) between the last knuckle of my index finger and my thumb, if that makes sense. The knife has to have great balance for this technique, luckily the 5.1 does.

As to the camp, here you go:

It's on my property, in the wooded area off of my lower pasture. It's about 250yards from my house, so its not really that "wild" but it is good to slip away for a few hours. We do live in the middle of nowhere, so it feels like a million miles away from civilization. My nephews love it. They always want to spend the weekend and go "camping in the woods." It was neglected all winter so I need to do some spring "cleaning."
We have some resident bears that wreak havoc on my berry bushes, so I only cook down there during winter, but my normal concern are the moose.

1. I am REALLY liking this recent trend of usage/adventure/review threads. I feel like our happy little club house has been missing this since before new 5.1's got out. Thanks, guys :thumbup:

2. Great discussion on choil usage. I never felt like I had enough leverage or power in the pinch grip and trying to get a fuller grip (at least on my ESEE 6) made Mt precious little index finger very, very nervous. That's why I like keeping all my fingers on the handle... without a choil ;)

3. Junkyard, in my opinion you are living the dream!!!!! Someday I'd really like to have a big stretch of property with a wooded area to escape to. I think the proximity and convenience of owning your own private "wilderness" is ideal. Glad to see you're making the most of it!
Holy crap! That's impressive! That is someplace you want to hang out in. Nicely done!

Thanks. We only used dead wood. I didn't want to cut any trees to make the camp, which is why there is such disparity on some of the logs of the lean-tos. At first that bothered me, but I learned to live with it.

If we hang Mylar blankets on the inside of the lean-tos, and have a fire going in between them, it keeps the occupants of both, warm and dry on a cold night.

We had some historic wind storms last fall, and some heavy snowloads this winter, so it was a great lesson in site selection, as the camp faired well. There were a number of trees on the property that didn't though. On the plus side, with all of the downed trees, I'll have some more lumber to work with.

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That is way cool Junkyard!! I'll bet those kids LOVE it, I know I would have :)
Wow, that is quite the setup. I am very impressed.

Is the handle natural canvas micarta or one of the ivory G10s?

Thanks for sharing, very inspiring!
Wow, that is quite the setup. I am very impressed.

Is the handle natural canvas micarta or one of the ivory G10s?

Thanks for sharing, very inspiring!

It's actually "Bone Linen." I think it looks like antiqued Ivory. I'm very pleased with it.

When my younger brother moved out here, his kids had lived in the city their whole lives, and they were really into Bear Grylls and Survivorman. They still live in town, so doing stuff like this wasn't really possible. They wanted to do all kinds of stuff when they'd come visit, so it was a good opportunity to show them the correct way of doing things vs. the TV way. They learned a lot, and we all had fun. As it turns out I enjoyed it as much as they did. I have kept it going because I enjoy it, it has some good memories, and I have more Nieces and Nephews that are going to be shooters and woodsmen if I have anything to do with it.

It's actually "Bone Linen." I think it looks like antiqued Ivory. I'm very pleased with it.

When my younger brother moved out here, his kids had lived in the city their whole lives, and they were really into Bear Grylls and Survivorman. They still live in town, so doing stuff like this wasn't really possible. They wanted to do all kinds of stuff when they'd come visit, so it was a good opportunity to show them the correct way of doing things vs. the TV way. They learned a lot, and we all had fun. As it turns out I enjoyed it as much as they did. I have kept it going because I enjoy it, it has some good memories, and I have more Nieces and Nephews that are going to be shooters and woodsmen if I have anything to do with it.


Amen to that. I have a 2 year old son, I'm already getting him into it. He's learning which things to touch, which to not. He knows about hot and fire. His favorite is to blow out lighters or matches, and maybe even candles. He love bugs, knows not to touch bees, snakes and spiders. Shelters might be a little bit ahead of him yet. This weekend he got his first good fall out in the woods and he's super happy and still loving it. I think I will do something like you did. Again, very awesome. I am impressed!

I envy you very much Junkyard. It is impossible to have such a property in Singapore.

Thanks for sharing the pictures. Pls keep them coming!
Junkyard, in my opinion you are living the dream!!!!! Someday I'd really like to have a big stretch of property with a wooded area to escape to. I think the proximity and convenience of owning your own private "wilderness" is ideal. Glad to see you're making the most of it!

+1 here. I live in a condo in New York, not in the city but close enough to feel trapped by it. I can't wait till I have a piece of land with access to wilderness and what I call "a little slice of heaven".

Good stuff Junkyard! thanks for sharing.
Quite the elaborate setup junkyard. I've been working on my land lately. Clearing and cutting trees for a garage I'm having built. Hopefully soon I can have some fun like your doing.
Great pics and shelter, I'm with the others in saying that looks like a great place to hang out!

The bone linen has a draw for me - what color sheath did you go with?
Very cool! I love the idea of having some land to be active on! Really cool to see what you have done with yours!!