What an awesome thread segue to wake up and read!
I have a counter to Nathan’s position, in this regard, and all here are likely fully aware of it. To the chap that’s complaining of ‘unfairness’, I get it. Totally. I’ve even suggested that maybe Nate run an ‘FNG’ sale, where the only people that are allowed to participate in a Friday sale are people that have never managed to get a knife. I’m still not sure how fair that would make anything, though. Really, because of the way I’m wired, what I want is the market to dictate his pricing.
That in and of itself should be fair, right? Free market economy capitalism left to determine the outcome. What could possibly go wrong? I’m wide open to the idea of a $400 retail knife selling for $1600 because that’s what the market will dictate. Not sure everyone else is. I know Nate isn’t.
The fact is that, for whatever reason, CPK has a product in high demand, can’t possibly fulfill that demand, yet strives constantly to improve their ability to change that while also not placing themselves in serious financial jeopardy. How MOST companies would react to this sort of demand would be to push their chips to the center of the table, double down, and expand. Expand, expand, expand. I know of companies right now that didn’t exist as knife companies a scant five or six years ago that have more employees than the ROLLING MILL that produces the steel that 90% of the knives we’re talking about processes.
Think about that.
How sustainable can that possibly be? What sort of risk does it imply? Is that somehow more ‘fair’ because the owner is taking all that risk to make sure you get a chance at a (most likely inherently compromised) $400 knife? Six or seven figures of debt so you don’t have to preorder? Guess we’ll see what the future brings…
I know Nate struggles with all of this. A lot. This is a small shop, doing the best that they can (which, frankly, is really well given all the stuff they’re trying to juggle and still not compromise any of their standards or ethics).
It’s just knives. It’s understandable to be upset that you didn’t get what you want, but show a little respect for the guy trying to keep all those balls in the air.
If it’s that important to you, consider allowing the market to provide you with one, and post a WTB thread offering double the price. In my humble opinion, based on all sorts of other variables I can cite of the existing market, THAT is really a more fair price for CPK knives that what CPK charges.