Aggressive Ads

AUS-8, and 440 are very easy to resharpen compared to the super hard steeles that are so popular today. However, give AUS-6 a try! Edge holding ability seems to be a little less, but God can you get it literally, razor sharp in just a few minutes!
Originally posted by ellsworthtoohey:
AUS-8, and 440 are very easy to resharpen compared to the super hard steeles that are so popular today.
Totaly agree
However everything comes at a price right?

However, give AUS-6 a try! Edge holding ability seems to be a little less, but God can you get it literally, razor sharp in just a few minutes!
& it's gone in a just few minutes as well.
I have few CS blades, 2 fixed blades, Carbon V & 2 folders, both Gunsites, the rest I gave away, but anyways, 2 knives were sortta enough to get an idea about AUS-8A, right?
Yes, those are easyer to sharpen than my 154 CM blades, let alone M2s, but the edge on them is gone just as easy.
If the metal looses atoms easy during grinding, why would it change it's behavior when cutting? Well, I guess it's not linear, but atill pretty close

Have Fun,

[This message has been edited by Gator97 (edited 10-01-2000).]
I dulled my first ATS-34 blade back in 1996. I'm still trying to get it back to as sharp as it came out of the box. I've got this handy little ceramic stick sharpener that fits in a pocket. When I dull one of those 440, AUS-6 or 8 blades, I can have any of them back shaving sharp in ten minutes or less.

I guess everything comes with a price.
Originally posted by ellsworthtoohey:
I dulled my first ATS-34 blade back in 1996. I'm still trying to get it back to as sharp as it came out of the box.
With all due respect, I think it's rather a problem with your sharpening techniques, I can't exclude the possibility of defective blade, but most likely you are doing sometihng wrong. What knife is it, may I ask?
I have 3 ATS-34 blades BM Dark Star & REKAT SIFU & EC. I was able to resharpen 2 blades (I didn't try sharpen chisel Emerson) sharper than the factory edge. Now whenever it feels dull it just takes few passes on the ceramic stick to bring the razor edge back. Eventually I'll have to sharpen them on the stone egain, but so is every steel

Same story with the 154CM blades which I own quite a few. Factory edges in general are too thick, at least for me. Never had a problem with it, using my edgepro it doesn't take long to thin down the edge & get a hair popping sharpness

Have Fun,
My favorite ad in their catalog was when Lynn allowed himself to be pepper gassed!!

Something about him rolling around on the ground was very "Curly-esque"

Very funny stuff!
Just posting to give you that 25th post. But as long as CS is willing to stand behind there claims (ie a good warranty) the I see no problem. The Bushman is a perfect example
This is off topic, but since we can't post new topics...

Since I love to razz CS about everything, and since I find any opportunity to jab at Lynn Thompson to be worthwhile taking, I'd like to bring up my recently received special projects catalog. On the second page, they announce the induction of Felix Valencia into the MA Hall of Fame as "Competitor of the Year." Cool. So what I was thinking is this: Since Thompson's so proud of his "Cut and Don't be Cut" training seminars (still can't figure out why they use round sticks--how do you figure out how to index, then?) and since Felix is part of that, wouldn't you think that LT's stuff would have at least a considerable portion of FMA elements? W/ that said, you'd think Thompson himself would have a very great appreciation of the Filipino Martial arts. Which leads me to this question: Why the hell isn't he getting his company to manufacture FMA style blades? I'd buy one! A nice espada y daga set would be cool, and I wouldn't mind it if it was in Carbon V if it'd keep the price down. Besides that, I'd like to see a decent, even wooden handle on them. I mean, he's got lathi's which come in a short staff, long staff and escrima stick length, why not go the whole way and get those bolos, pinutis, and dagas out there, too? I'm also sure he'd find a great niche in the balisong market. To me, these things sound more marketable than a silly warhammer or battle axe, simply b/c of the proliferation of blade combative, which are largely FMA or FMA based. That is, of course, if he looks at knives from a profit oriented standpoint. But, alas, more than likely, this post will be ignored and never brought up again, seeing as how CS really doesn't care. What a shame, I guess that boar spear and 6ft lathi will be my last acquistions from CS. Oh wait, there's always the Samburu spear....