Am I the only one who checks every For Sale post for Idaho Stamp?

Apr 27, 2017
Every CRK For Sale post, the first thing I do is zoom un on the reverse scale and look for the Idaho stamp and then sigh with disappointment when I see it. Am I the only one? I'm proud to be American and proud CRK is based in Idaho but the laser engraving really detracts from the clean lines for me of what makes a sebenza a sebenza. Maybe I'm weird.
I am not disappointed by it. Don't really even notice it anymore.
By the way, it is engraved on a CNC mill with a special engraving cutter.
Laser is a different beast that has only come up as a tool recently for the "We the People" series CGG's.
I do look, but in all honesty it isn't that big a deal. I don't notice it all in my pocket, or even using it. It is only when glaring at your knife it becomes apparent and even then it shows up better in photo's then real life.
Pace yourself, you've only been here two weeks. This is a marathon not a sprint, you don't want to flame out too soon.
Jeez 65 posts in 2 weeks. I must be doing it wrong.

Re the question. I dun care about the Idaho markings.
I will look, but it is not a deal breaker. If given a choice, I would prefer no stamp but it won't keep me from buying one.
Naw, I don't pay attention to the Idaho Made marking anymore. I've got a few without it and it has made no difference in the performance of the knife.
Does it make any difference iro collectors? The ones without the stamp seems to be more sought after, or is it just my perception?
I used to have a strong dislike for the Idaho Made stamp (I realize its machined). I don't give it a second thought anymore. I do support bvo85 in his/her venture though. FYI I believe they started the Idaho Made markings late Summer 2009.
Every CRK I own except my mnandis has the Idaho made stamp. I guess it looks better without, but I honestly do not care at all. If I like the knife, I will buy it regardless of stamp and I certainly won't pay more for one without just because it doesn't have it.
I have to say that I have two crks with the stamp. I stopped buying them because of the stamp. Three years later, I am back looking at all the new blade designs and improvements but I still recoil when I see the stamp. I wish I could get over it but I just can’t. I love the fact they are made in the USA and have nothing against IDAHO but the stamp just ruins the look of the knife. His knives, his rules. I understand but don’t have to like it.
Im probably in the minoroty but honestly ... I love Idaho ... Montana and Wyoming ... so I don't mind the stamp at all ... one of my favorite places to go ... so not an issue for me.
I don't mind the Idaho Made at all. The blade really bothers me, though--sharp, pointy, dangerous....
I’m in the “love it” camp. States should be proud of the products unique to them, and this is a hell of a product. I understand the aversion by some, ascetics-wise, but for me, a mark of local pride.