AMS Randall Pouch and Mini TGLB WD Tribute


Nov 30, 2001
Hey Everyone! :) Sorry been so quiet lately, its a busy time in the Spring. Always. Working with two custom knife makers at the moment and they both need sheaths at the same time, doesn't happen often but when it does its leather scraps a flying! :)

Had a rather shocking cancellation, so here is some leather!

I have four sheaths done and ready to ship, and five more in progress so yea, its a lot of hours down the drain for me but I am willing to bet there is someone out there waiting for some instant gratification. :)

Pics coming tomorrow, but a quick early bird offer to those that visit here, after that they will go to the exchange.

I have a black basic mid ride sheath for an Nuclear Meltdown Fusion Steel Heart.
A black Walking Dead Tribute sheath for the TGLB MINI
Also have a custom Randall style pouch with X loop for an Anniversary Mean Street, not the military over run, those are a little different and wont fit this one.

Prices tomorrow and additional sheaths added! I have some finishing to do on them before I add them.

Thanks for looking!!!!
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NMFSH: 80.00 plus shipping

TGLB MINI: 70.00 plus shipping

Anniversary Mean Street hand stitched custom: 80.00 plus shipping

the back:

If you have bought from me before take 5.00 off the top, as a thank you. :)
Gonna move these on over to the exchange, thanks everyone for looking! :)
The NMFSH is gone. :)

The other two take five bucks off add shipping and we're good.

Five bucks off for repeat customers is still in effect, yea, ten bucks total off now. :eek:
I still have those sheaths, TGLB Mini and Anniversary Mean Street. :)

Finishing off three more this coming week, yea, this was an expensive cancellation. And yes, info on this will come out when the time is right.