And that is why there is an ignore option

a spambot posted 25 some odd new threads here. mostly Mandarin (?) characters, except for college names in each of the headers. otherwise identical text. each post was spaced a few minutes apart. strange. I didn't comprehend the intention.

Nathan banned them early this morning, and Bhyde (thankyou!) deleted their threads.
Yeah, that crap has been popping up for weeks now.
Some Chinese company sell fake University diploma/degree/credentials. Very long explanation of how they can duplicate security features. I guess people want to have something on the wall that looks real.
I have no idea where my diploma is....
Mine (BSc in EE) from a well accredited Uni is right in here inside a very nice frame. Problem is that I was born with two left sided brain hemispheres and two left hands and sadly realized my afflictions well after the facts!