"Andromeda" watchers -- help me identify character Tyr's knives?

Feb 22, 1999
As a fan of the syndicated science fiction series Andromeda, I couldn't help but wonder what the knives carried by the warrior character "Tyr" might be.


The propmasters fitted his costume with a variety of inexpensive United Cutlery gear. The knives about which I'm wondering, though, are a pair of combat-sized blades that watchers of the show have no-doubt noticed.

In one scene early on the series, Tyr twirls one of the knives by its ring guard. The knives are also seen again in a climactic battle during the Season One Finale.

Based on those ring guards and the too-brief shots on the show, it's my theory that the knives might be these:


The fact that Tyr's costume already bears some United Cutlery items would seem consistent with this idea -- the propmasters might simply have thumbed through a catalog and picked whatever looked exotic or futuristic.

Any keen-eyed fans here who can help me out?
I received a helpful e-mail that included this still from the show, confirming that the character's knives are indeed United Delta Defenders. (The knife on Tyr's bandolier is a United Finger Fighter, if anyone cares.)


Thanks, everybody. :)
Andromeda is a great show.:D I started watching from the first show. I got the Sci-Fi channel this summer and started watching Farscape, but when Andromeda started the new season, I totally forgot about Farscape. I just hope the X-Files shows are better this year. I'm glad that there are so many sci-fi shows on nowadays, though.

Fellow Sci-Fi nut,
Daniel D.
Uh, No relation.

Dorn is an old German name, that my Dad's family had passed down to them from immigrants from Austria to Hungary about 150 years ago. I actually noticed that it is much more common in the US nowadays. My Dad told me that they used to be the only Dorn's in the Chicago phone book. Now, even Kansas City has about 10.