Another international order question...



I sold, on Ebay, a primitive style damascus neck knife to a gentleman in Japan. I have never shipped internationally before, should i expect any problem in shipping to Japan and do i have to fill out any paper work(ie: customs papers)?Thanks in advance
Go to the post office and ask them for the customs form for shipping overseas. It's very simple, just your name and addy, the buyer's name and addy, and the contents and value. They'll even weigh the package for you and tell you how much it will cost to ship.I always mark knives as tools. In my opinion thats what they are so why add the stigma of a weapon to the package.

Take care!! Michael

Always think of your fellow knife makers as partners in the search for the perfect blade, not as people trying to compete with you and your work!
Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms!!!