Any pro cooks/chefs here?

Apr 22, 2010
Just curious if we have any professional cooks in the house? If so what knives are you using?
Executive Chef at an exclusive retirement community.
I like to work in the kitchen instead of doing paper work. So today I was helping out my guys. I peeled potatoes with a Victorinox paring knife. One sharp little sucker. Just perfect for peeling spuds.
Diced enough vegetables to make 30 gallons of soup with a F. Dick 1905 chef knife. I bought it and did not like it at first but now it is my go to knife for hard work.
I also sliced some tomatoes and cukes with a Japanese VG-10 blade. I can't remember the brand but I love that knife also. When I do slicing I usually pull that one out.
Later on I portioned some salmon with an old Mundial flexible boning knife that I picked up in the early 80's. The blade is alot less but I can get it really sharp. Great for working on fish.
While cucking about the stockroom I cut up some boxes with my Landi PSK.
Not a bad day.
I kind of wish I had a REASON to cut that much stuff! As it stands, Stomper is making me a custom chef knife, but it will only get used about 5 or 6 times a month unless I start cooking more :p
I used to be in the business,got out in 1989.But I love it & do a lot of cooking for family & friends & sometimes in pretty big quantities.When I make a batch of venison chili,for the guys,it is close to 4 gallons!
NoahL, who is this stomper? Website?
Always looking for a new blade. Funny thing:D
NoahL, who is this stomper? Website?
Always looking for a new blade. Funny thing:D

Check out JK Knives in the maker section here. Stomper is the maker's screen name. I had a custom sheepsfoot made by him, he makes a great, well priced blade.
I've worked in a kitchen of some sort since I was sixteen. My current job puts me more in the front of the house, so most of my "real" cooking is done at home, with an assortment of commercially produced cutlery. I'll get some pics up tomorrow.
I used Mac Knives for years. Decided to try something different and picked up AG Russell's 8 inch chefs knife a few months ago. Sharpened it once and it is holding a great edge...comfortable...I would recommend it to anyone.
Could it be possible that there are two men in the same profession with the same name? Doubtful, but possible. ;) I think he was from Hume or somewhere around there. We worked together in Wyoming(Hillside Inn).
i wish i could cook for a living, but i'm realistic about how physically hard the work can be (plus nights weekends and holidays are nonexistent) so prob not this lifetime.

that said, I was brought up in an italian/greek family (i.e. prep/cooking, lots of it) and i'm' often asked to cook for 14-24 people at a time. global kinves have never let me down (i take them with me to every party)

so... global nakiri and spear point paring knives, for more specialized slicing stuff i use a 10" yanagi. i've processed all sorts of veg, fruit, fish, fowl and beef with those three.
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I don't know if I qualify :p

but yeah everyone knows how I feel about tadatsuna and aritsugu A