Anyone going to the SCA thing at Cooper's Lake in PA this weekend?

Oct 12, 1998
I will be there in my kilt with sword in hand. Just wondering if anyone else will be going from this great group...
Hmmm Translation: I am going to be there wearing a dress and carrying a big knife. Makes me want to come!! :) :)

Seriously, have fun, I wish we had more decent events in this area...
It's best to armed if it looks like you are wearing a skirt. ;) That's why there are so many Scottish weapons -- claymores, sgian dubhs, dirks, lochaber axes... :D

It's gonna be 8 hours for me so it isn't that close but a buddy and I are going to split the drive time, so it shouldn't be too bad.

An eight hour drive? Is it really that big? Which sword vendors are going to be there? There would have to be some of the big boys to make me drive 4 hours.
Not sure who all will be there or how big it will be. A friend on COlumbus OH was wanting to go so I decided to go with him. We will be with some of his friends in Clan Preachain. Sadly, I know little about it, but I will give a full report on Monday when I get back.
If, indeed they're going to Pennsic XXX (and it suuuuure sounds like it...), then simply put:


Worth an eight-hour drive? Definitely. Worth the twenty-plus hour drive from Texas? Yep, but I couldn't get the time off from work. Oh, well...maybe I'll be independently wealthy by XL. *SIGH*
Yep, Pennsic, that's it. Obviously, I am the tag-along, but it should be fun all the same, though I am sure my costume will be the lamest one there!

Looking forward to some mead...