Anyone keeping a fish tank or planted tank?

This was one of my hobbies for many years. A highlight of my childhood was caring for my next door neighbor’s (a breeder) fish while he was on vacation. His entire basement was filled with tanks, fresh and salt water.
Well, I own a fish tank, but it’s currently housing a couple of captive born field mice! They are brothers, Sly and Arnold, who do nothing but bulk up on their wheel and eat.
I did used to have guppies though, and it’s amazing how fast five turned into seventy-five!
You can stick a couple plants like water sprite in and have good luck with pretty much any tank set up as long as you’ve got sufficient lighting. I’ve never done a fancy planted tank with real plant-specific substrate etc but I’d like to at some point.
Swords,ferns,crypts,anubias are good starter plants.
I find sand or small size substrate works well, but rhyzone plants shouldn't be buried (ferns,anubias)
I used the gel superglue to attach ferns to wood and they are growing good.
Just buy a few 5$ plants from LFS/petco/petsmart and see how they do.
Some plants will 'melt' back while they adjust to your water so give them a few weeks and look for the new growth
All the tanks pictured and described above are freshwater, we may have an expert on salt around but they haven't spoken up. The best advice I can give is to look for a saltwater tank forum.