Anyone See: Alaska: The Last Frontier.

You are right about the show being silly. They live right next to town and over dramatize everything.
They kill bears for no good reason. They aren't going to make a difference in grocery stores by not buying meat their. Raising chickens and cows ok, but killing other wild life when they don't need to is ridiculous
Prices for food in Alaska is much higher than in the lower 48. Hunting with all it's associated costs is much cheaper than buying meat. I suspect you don't live in Alaska.
they travel on snowmobiles 30 miles to Caribou lake to fish when a Safeway is 5 miles away.
Snowmobiles get really good gas mileage. What doesn't make sense is saying they need the food. If they needed it most alaskans would make an effort to get some of the better species of fish like salmon, halibot and cod instead of trout which sucks in comparison.
Just so you guys know. The permanent fund dividend from the oil was only $900 per person this year. Gas is at $3.65 a gallon. Not many people live like that up here,but it does make for good television and great for the escape of normal life.
Point is they act like they are roughing it when they are smoothing the hell out of everything. A bunch of rich "wheelchair exporers"

They act like they need firewood when they can call the gas man out and have real heat etc. the show is dumb and it the real issue it fools people into thinking that is real Alaskan living.
Modern amenities have come into use in most rural and remote communities and homesteads today. Not everyone around here has standard electricity or oil furnaces, we have folks down the road living off grid yet they have snowmobiles and 4 wheelers. Its the times we live in.
They act like they need firewood when they can call the gas man out and have real heat etc.
A lot of people up here use wood stoves. When you cut your own wood it's a cheap way to heat your home.
Point is they act like they are roughing it when they are smoothing the hell out of everything. A bunch of rich "wheelchair explorers"
No kidding. Just like every car/motorcycle building show are on a never ending rush to meet the deadline or panning the camera over on Bear Grylls show to see the highway next to the wilderness he is in. TV is a all about making people watch. I get your point that they mislead viewers but that is IMO like pointing out that the WWE is fake.
I too, enjoy watching ''Life Below Zero'', but my viewing of this show is hit & miss and by chance.
This would have been a great show to watch when I was in college. If you drank everytime they said "winter's coming" you'd get messed up in the first 10 minutes. :D
The Kilchers have an amazing life. They are a very talented and tough family. However, the show exaggerates how difficult their life is. They live right down the road from me. Heck, they could drive to a McDonalds if they wanted to.
A lot of them are very talented musicians and I'm sure most of them had regular jobs prior to the tv show. Now, obviously, they make as much as they need off of the tv show.
They do live a relatively inexpensive life style because they homesteaded the land they are on and built their own homes.
I see these guys at the bar all the time.
Oh, and if you want to see a real show about surviving in Alaska watch "Dick Proennekes into the wilderness".
Atz seems to be in the middle of the "community" in terms of being able to provide the machinery for tasks that need done. Not everyone has a bull dozer, tractor and so forth. Interesting about Jewell being their daughter.

Jewell their daughter ? Well I'll be. The warden and I have kept an eye on this one and we enjoy it. :thumbup: I can't talk the warden into the north again right now. She is too tired of the stress of northern life up here with all of its associated addictions and violence.
I too, enjoy watching ''Life Below Zero'', but my viewing of this show is hit & miss and by chance.

Life Below Zero is what I can identify with most from personal experience. The only thing missing from the Canadian north were I was, is the poverty and substance abuse. Not every community is rough, but many are.
I don't understand why the guy was walking up that snag holding a chain saw in the video. Why not just cut the log? I didn't see anything hanging from the log. Just for sport maybe?
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The show is entertaining. I like Life Below Zero the best of the bunch. Chip Hailstone has been a regular over on thehighroad for long before the show. He'd been sharing his life with us there for awhile.
Well that's a coincidence, I saw part of the show while at my dads on Sunday(I don't have cable). The show actually got me kinda aggravated, I think it would be a lot better if they didn't try to dramatize it so much.
The scenes I saw and had a hard time with were-when a couple were fishing and they got freaked out because there was a brown bear there because the bear clearly had a filleted fish in it's mouth when they filmed it and didn't show how close the bear they baited a bear and filmed it? Was it even near them? I don't know. -
The guy moving his outhouse took a lot of risk using one rope...when one snapped moments before; if someone is not wanting to be wasteful or at least try and preserve his work why not come up with a better suspension system...and there were a million commercial breaks before the suspenseful move of the outhouse!
-And the guy who shot a bear after galloping on his horse and loading his rifle to jump down and fire...seems pretty staged to me. Not saying it couldn't happen but why wouldn't the camera pan to the bear that was shot or get any footage of that? It was probably a problematic bear that was baited and shot. No problem with that but show it for what it is....why over dramatize it? I have seen hunting and fishing tv film crews stage shots and hook sets before...not that hard to spot but I may be wrong on that one.
Anyway trying to over dramatize what I saw and not actually getting anything from it personally doesn't make it very appealing. Seems pretty silly and it would probably be more interesting to me without the Hollywood crap

To be fair I haven't seen anymore then part of the episode I maybe there is something about the show that has to do with wilderness and survival??
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