Asian waterbuffalo vs. sambar stag...?

Dec 12, 2001
Hi all. I foolishly sold my awesome PCKS 110 w/ BG-42/stag/NS a while ago and now I'm considering ordering another... However, I love the look of the black Asian water buffalo handles and I wanted to ask the group if anyone had any input as to the relative durability of these two materials. I generally soak my stag handled knives in mineral oil once a year...but I am not sure if water buffalo requires the same maintenance and/or if it is more durable...

Thanks in advance for your comments.
I love the look of buffalo too, especially when it has a light streak running through it. That seems to give it character to me. I have found buffalo horn to be very durable. I've never used mineral oil, but, I polish all my knives twice yearly. I use Johnsons Paste Wax on the handles and Mothers Mag Polish on the blades. The Johnsons moisturizes any natural handle material.
I have and like both and have used plain ol' turtle wax now and then to help keep them healthy and pretty. I got the jigged buffalo scales and did a lot more polishing with white compound and a sewn muslin wheel, the results are striking.