"Assist" Rescue pics.

Handled both versions at the IWA Trade Fair last Sunday. Cool knife, the glassbraker is great! That´s what I call innovative.
What! No compass? :D

Seriously though, I like it, the only comparable knife I can think of is the Eickhorn PRT range.

Does the glass-breaker pop out on a spring when the handle is squeezed, like an engineers auto-punch, or is it held out by the grip just by the compression of handle/blade? If the latter, is there a sort of cam that enables the user to keep a reasonable amont of force keeping the glass-breaker out when struck against something, i.e. does a hard blow on the carbide tip transmit forces back to the squeezed grip?
Thats the one I have been waiting for, 1st one is mine! it is fugly though but I like that in a workin knife.
NGK> The only reason FUGLY in a working knife is a good thing, is that someone is less likely to "borrow" it.
Beauty is as beauty does!

I like. Very "purpose driven." I'll add it to the list of Spydies I won't be able to afford anytime soon! :(

Gotta save first for the two forum knives: the BF Spyderhawk and the SF 3D Native.

What timing! I just started looking for such a tool. Something else to add to the 20 lbs of gear I lug around every day.:D
Oh man, I just found this forum after buying a replacement for my really old Rescue knife that finally died seeing use as a pry bar in the ER. I had no sooner ordered a 93mm blue handled Rescue than I found this new model that is coming out. The wife's gonna kill me, because I am going to have to buy it. Oh, does anyone know if it is going to come in other colors (orange/blue)?? As an RN, I feel that people just seem to think a lot less negatively about knives with a colored handle when ya whip it out of your scrubs, and sometimes your EMT shears just don't cut it. Literally. :D
Well, I hope you seriously consider making some with a nice, colorful handle. It really does make a huge difference to the reaction you get out of patients.