Attn: change in modus operandi -- from sign to sig

Mar 5, 1999
That's the deal. The marks of the kamis are soon to become history, to be replaced by first name of kami who makes the knife -- in Devanagari. No use putting last name -- it's always Bishwakarma. If we have duplicate first names which is a distinct possibility we'll differentiate with a number. Example Sher, Sher2, Sher 3 etc.

Pala will put this change into effect upon his return to BirGorkha.

Decision made. Too late to change now.

I guess we will have to learn devanagari now! Since the mark is distinct no more, this may be the best way to distinguish the maker which is important.
Are the names generally going to be a single symbol in Devanagari?

I like the symbols but as long as the blade is not full of engravings it seems like an ok idea.
No problem with me. Either way it's a signed piece of work, enabaling the purchaser to trace their khuk's lineage. The decision may in fact increase the value of those khuks which have a kami's mark (sun, cross, trisul, etc.) on them for collectors. I know I wouldn't mind having a complete set of marks which have been used by the kamis on various blades. Maybe I should think about getting one of those medallions too.:)
I like it.

Hey, does any one know what there names will be in Devanagari and will they post them?
Beo, can you put up in Devanagari a couple of samples -- maybe Bura and Sanu -- so the folks will get an idea of what the names will look like? The only way I can do it is write it down, scan it, convert it to a pix, and then try to post it. You may be able to do it easier than me. If you can't let me know and I'll go thru the process.
here are my best guesses at writing the names in Devanagari (Uncle you'll have to tell me if I've put in short vowels where long vowels should be, &c.):


from top to bottom:

p.s. you probably know 'Sher' means "tiger" from the FAQ; but did you know that 'Kumar' means "prince"?

Thanks Ben. BTW, what do the other names mean?

What about the KNN? Will they use a sig or there old mark?
I hadn't thought about KNN -- maybe we'll get names!

Beo that's close enough for government work. I'll try to get something up later that will help you. Many thanks!!! Mine won't look nearly as neat as yours but you can revise yours for the final edition.
It was troublesome memorizing all the symbols, and keeping them intact with the names.....much easier, now that we can just read them :rolleyes:
I approve. But Bill, Sanu is one of my favorite kamis. What do you mean there's likely to be a Sanu2,etc? Is this a common name there, or are you thinking of his kids working in the shop?
Originally posted by Walosi
It was troublesome memorizing all the symbols, and keeping them intact with the names.....much easier, now that we can just read them :rolleyes:

I'm with you Bro.;)

Now instead of a medallion we can have an oblong medal inscribed with the kamis name's in Devanagari on one side with the English translation just to the right instead of on the back so it won't have to be turned back and forth to read it.
That will leave a nice area on the back for a pair of dragons.:)
Being new here, I like the idea of names instead of symbols, but who or what are KNN?:confused:
Originally posted by bobrap
Being new here, I like the idea of names instead of symbols, but who or what are KNN?:confused:

As Uncle explained about Durba and Sher, leaving to take care of the family farm, there are kamis who make knives at BirGorkha who farm full-time. They come in as they need money, and work for a shorter period than the others. All use (used?) the Butter Lamp symbol, with some slight variation - a dot in the bowl of the lamp, an "A" frame mark in the bowl, and a blank bowl. I have one with an extra large Butter Lamp, possibly done by another man altogether. Originally, I had more KNN knives than any other mark, and they are equal to any coming out of BirGorkha. I was first introduced to them as "The Kami with No Name". At the time, it was three kamis, with the same no name. Sorta.:confused:
Originally posted by Bill Martino
I hadn't thought about KNN -- maybe we'll get names!

Beo that's close enough for government work. I'll try to get something up later that will help you. Many thanks!!! Mine won't look nearly as neat as yours but you can revise yours for the final edition.

No worries - just made everything with short vowels, since the 'transliteration' on the FAQ &c. doesn't show length.

wildmanh - I'm not sure what Bura possibility is that it's not really 'Bura', but rather 'Bhuura' which might mean something like "great, glorious". Probably it's just the shortened form of something though.

Kesar is probably really 'Keshar', which means something like "plait of hair, mane" (or, maybe, "having lots of hair" ;) - which is actually an epithet of Vishnu), or, more likely, "ray of light". Though 'Kesar' can also mean "the mane of a lion" or maybe even "lion" depending on how much the name is 'corrupted' from the original Sanskrit. If 'Sanu' is actually 'Saanu' then it means "mountain peak".

Uncle Bill might know better than I; and once his gives me the nagari corrections I might know better too.

cheers, B.
I have a sister-in-law named Sanu. Does that answer the question?

I'm sure they will have all sorts of heated discussions regarding the change. Some, without a doubt, will oppose it. That's why I'm letting Pala take the dirty work back with him rather than trying to get this done via email and Gelbu. Gelbu doesn't have the horsepower to get stuff done like Pala.
Originally posted by Bill Martino
I have a sister-in-law named Sanu. Does that answer the question?

I'm sure they will have all sorts of heated discussions regarding the change. Some, without a doubt, will oppose it. That's why I'm letting Pala take the dirty work back with him rather than trying to get this done via email and Gelbu. Gelbu doesn't have the horsepower to get stuff done like Pala.

Oh my! Sounds like Sanu is a common name over there.

Thanks Ben. :)
I agree with you, Uncle. I'd say this is for the best really. That way, we can always be sure who made what khukuri. The sign changes would be too confusing to be worth it IMO.
