Available JouFuu Sheaths 01/12/2016

Bud your oiled sheaths are the best and that split pouch is the cat's pajamas.

Thank you. That split pouch did certainly turn out very nice this week. It was my wife's favorite too. ;)
Ack! Of course the day I can't check in is the day my sheath pops up. Bud, putting in a request for another just like "A" in the queue. Thanks!
Ack! Of course the day I can't check in is the day my sheath pops up. Bud, putting in a request for another just like "A" in the queue. Thanks!

Oh man, I had just picked up an amazing Duke off the flea market and imagine my surprise seeing that beautiful sheath on top of the thread. Didn't realize you had a build request in from Dec, sorry 'bout that.
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