Available JouFuu Sheaths 02/02/2016

Q please…
I if it's still available....thx, Bud!

Q and I are yours sir. Thank you.

updated split pouch handyman

Guess thats a G or H

G is yours Tom. Thanks.

I'll take H as well if not yet claimed

C & H is yours sir. Thank you.

R is yours sir. Thanks.

I'll take n

N is yours daar. Thanks.

f, n please

F was released by fatboyclone, so you're next in line Hulk. Yours unless you pass on it.

I'll take m

M is yours sir. Thank you.

I'll take D please

D is yours sir. Thank you.

E k p pls

Nice hat trick. E, K and P are yours Guhul. Thank you.

A r please

Abe, A is yours. R was called already.

I'll take T if still available.

Gus .. got you down for L & T. Thanks.

I'll take s

S is your Robert. Thanks.

B is your Kris. Thanks.

J & O are yours sir. Thanks.