Bamboo Sword

Nov 1, 1998
Hello to All,
I'm toying with the idea of purchasing a sword and these have caught my eye. Any one have any experience with these. Before I spend the money, I'd like to fondle one or have someones opinion who has one or who has actually touched one. I'm looking for a user, not a wall hanger. However, with that said, I'm not going into competition with Zorro. Internet wise, I have seen the Paul Chen and the offering from CAS Iberia. Any other sources or someone who can steer me to a seller with a good price.


Just to clarify are you talking about the bamboo katana or one of those "sword in a stick" things?
It's flimsy and somewhat unsafe as a user. I guess it sorta looks neat though. It ranks the 2nd worst kat model Hanwei makes, beaten only by the Zatoichi.

Sorry :(

The bamboo katana,(Paul Chen) is far from flimsy. They are beautiful pieces and are well made. Im not sure where you saw your bamboo katana or if it was even a real paul chen but i have no problem selling them for $400.00 in my store. Ive got some pictures of what they can do if youd like.
Not to be combative but just because people are willing to plunk down 400.00 for something does not mean it is a quality item. I'm not saying those particular katana are junk either but I too have heard reports that they are less then optimal and certainly something in those mounts is not something that is necessarily safe to use as a cutter. Tsubas were invented for a reason after all.:)