basic "Flournoy" style fighter.

Nov 13, 1998
Got to give credit to Joe Flournoy for the basic design here. He was one of the first 'smiths i talked to when i started making years ago. I remember wanting a fighter he had on hand real bad, it was before either of us had the 'net so he sent me some polaroid photos.

It was similar to the fighter i made here but was in Curly Maple. For what ever reason (cant remember), I didnt buy the Flournoy back then... the price was $350. Im sure that knife from Joe today would probably be twice that (this was before he had won any awards or made alot of those long clipped fighters he has become known for).

So any how, here are some pics of a heavily influenced "Flournoy" style fighter.

Blade is forged 5160, 7-1/4", 12-1/8" overall. SS gaurd, and Ironwood handle.



Really nice knife. Like the website, too. That clay tempered piece is sweeeet!

Glad to see you back in the saddle.

What would a similar piece like this run or this particular piece if its not sold?
Hi Michael, thanks for the kind words. Price would depend on size, but basically $350-$400. You have a PM inbound from me.
Very slick knife Matt - one of my favorites of yours to date.

Hey Matt Glad you made it through the Hurricanes.I agree with RogerP,this Fighter's one of the Nicest I've seen so far.I saw it on your website and saw the Flourney influence right off.I'll be calling you in the next couple of days to talk about the other fighter-You know which one ;) .Take Care Bro. :cool: