battle axe need help!

Sep 16, 2004
I am relitivly new to metal working and was hoping that some one can help me with getting some plans for a battle axe. I am set up quite good for metal working but would like some help in getting plans. Does anybody out there have a good website or plans of there onw that I could use?

Thanks for any help!!!
I see you have it posted in the Axe forum, but you might try the shop talk in the makers forum too. Good luck and welcome to the forum.

Welcome to the forums.

Most of the "battle axes" in production are fantasy pieces. If you are interested in making an authentic replica you should begin by narrowing down a time period and a region. Are you interested in doing a European axe or an Asian axe, or perhaps one from the many cultures in between?


Here is a 19th century ceremonial example fom India. The lines of the Indian battle axes of the 17-18th centuries were very similar.

gunner15551 said:
ok I will do that will do you have any info that will help me in making my first axe?

Afraid not but I am sure that you will be able to find the info that you need. Once again good luck with your hunt.
i am looking to do a piece that is from Midevil time frame. I have also been working on a shield and a helmet that are all most complete and i am looking to have a complete set of armor. so some thing that fits in with that time frame would be what i am looking to make. NOT a fantasy piece. A double sided axe would be cool.
Hi there
A double bitted axe almost always put you into fantasy land. There are one or two European ones though. Best bet is to get a good reference book on arms and armor. The online catalogues of Arm and Armor and a few other good suppliers can give a little guidence. Most medieval axes either had one cutting edge or had another weapon profile, spike, blade, hammer etc on the back.
I'm not a maker, but have been told that a circular saw blade can be a good starting point. You can get used ones cheap at thrift stores, etc.
Welcome to Bladeforums! I'll move this thread to Shop Talk for you. They're a great bunch of guys; you can learn a lot from them....