Battleship Texas Foundation Bowie knives

Jason Fry

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jun 5, 2008
I’m participating in the Battleship Texas Foundation fundraising auction. They give you steel and wood from the ship, and then you use it to make a knife that’s donated back to the foundation. What you have leftover you’re free to use for other projects. Unlike my last battleship project that was all material from the secondary market, this project comes with certificate of authenticity from the foundation itself.

This first short video represents parts of three days of work, not including the center billet that was already completed previously.

I enjoyed the last battleship knife and I‘m really looking forward to seeing this one.
Well, the reforging split after HT also. Fortunately the splitter was the "spare" and I still have one good blade.

Here's how the blade turned out.

Here's the guard, straight ship steel.