Be careful. Somebody is using himimp email and sending virus.

Mar 5, 1999
Just got an email from Ivan saying I'd sent him an email with a virus. It didn't come from me. Haven't sent Ivan an email for quite sometime so beware. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Some virus's will go through your address book and send e-mails by themselves. It's a labor-saving device. You don't even have to go through the trouble of sending it yourself.

It might be a good idea to run a virus checking program with the latest virus definitions.
Hey Bill
You might have to update your virus definitions. The nut cases keep making new bugs, so you have to keep the definitons up to date.
Uncle Bill:

A million thanks for the warning!!!!

I opened my "AOL Anywhere" at work just after I read your message, and, THERE IT WAS.

Thanks to you I deleted it immediately. Had I not done so about 100 or so PCs (might have/could have) picked up the virus over our network. This would not look good on my annual performance review.

It appears to be a new strain; our virus software might not have recognized it.

I've got to be more careful!

I just spent the last three hours searching for the virus.

I updated PC-cillin at about 1;30 PM Reno time and scanned everything. It found one worm dated 8/24 which I deleted but that was it. If there's some virus hiding somewhere it was not found so keep your eyes open.